[ 807 ]
Reviews and. if known, the circulation of such Newspapers and Reviews.
Title of Publication.
" The Phoni tis Kyprou " (<tw>-) ->}c Ku*pov),
a weekly newspaper in Greek.
a monthlv news–
paper in Greek.
"The Mirat-i-Zeman (jUj c-V-*")* a weekly
newspaper in Turkish.
Stated by the Editor to be 1,000 copies
weekly. Circulated in Cyprus and abroad.
Stated by rhe Editor to be 400 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Greece, Egypt,
Switzerland, France, Turkey and
Stated bv the Editor to be 200 cooies weeklv.
Circulated in Cyprus, Crete, Bulgaria,
Chios, Silifke and Mersina.
The Cypriot" (TCurpioc), a weekly news–
paper in Greek.
Stated by the Editor to be 580 copies.
Circulated in Cyprus, Turkey, Egypt,
Crete, Greece. En o-land. Austria and Africa.