[ 161 ]
Amount of
Fees during
the Year
in Sterling
Whether tbe
Principal bo
allowed a
for his personal
Residence; or
if any.
for House Rent
Whether the OtSco l-e held by Principal
in conjunction with any. and what
other Civil, Military, or Naval Otfice or
Appointment or Place of Profit in any
Colony, or on the Establishment of the
Unite<l Kingdom.
If the Office be held by a Military or
Xaval Officer, whether upon Full or
Half Military or Naval Pay. the Total
Amount of Pay and Allowances of
every kind actually received by him in
addition to the Profits of his Office.
Period during
which tbe
Orticer has
been Ab-eut
from dutv on
half-pay leave
during thu
Whether the Principal
enjoy any, anil what other
Advantage or Proflt,
not required to be stated in
tbe preceding Columns.
Date of First
nnder the
1 11 Oa
2 16 44a
13 i\a
7 0 Ob
2 Og
1 15 Oa
3 9 44a
1 Oa
2 16 Oa
1 15 4^a
2 0 Od
5 3 Oe
Is also a Certifying Officer
and a Deputy Corouer
Is a Certifying Officer
Is also a Certifvins Officer
and a Deputy Coroner
la a Member of the Executive
and Legislative Councils
Oct. 1, 1335
Sept. 12, 1885
Feb. 1, 1903
July, 4, 1904
July 13, 1873c
Mav 1, 1902
July 1, 1830
April 6, 1893
Jan. 14, 1831
April 1, 1835
Xov. 14, 1900
Dec. 20. 1904
Aug. 16, 18S3
Oct. 1, 1379
Oct. 3, 1387
Aug. 15, 1892
Dec. 11, 1903
Aug. 28, 1S95
Oct. 15, 190O
Right to practise as Oct. 14, 1902/
Barrister in cases in which
the Crown is not concerned
July 19, 1S73
May 1, 1896
Oct. 27, 1390