Amount of
Fees during
the Year
in Sterling
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a
for his personal
Residence; or
if any,
for House Rent
Whether the Office be held by Principal
in conjunction with any, and what
other Civil. Military, or Naval Office or
Appointment or Place of Profit in any
Colony, or ou tbe Establishment of tho
United Kingdom.
If the Office l>e held by a Military or
Naval Officer, whether upon F u U or
Half Military or Naval Pay, the Total
Amount of Pay aud Allowances of
every kind actually received by him in
addition to the Produ of his Office.
Perioil during
which the
Officer has
been Absent
from duty on
half-pay leave
during the
Whether the Principal
enjoy any, and what other
Advantage or Profit.
not required to be stated in
the preceding Columns.
Date of First
nnder the
*. cp
10 0 Od
12 10 Oe
5 Ot
1 5 4i
i 94 10 6\ ;
! 66 4 6-v !
j 18 18 \\n
24 7 6\n
9 17
£ 10 for audit of Locust
Fuuds and £17 10s.
for audit of Evkaf
Fees for maps in
Oct. 22, 1902A
Jau. 18, 1836
Sept. 1, 1389
Jan. 1, 1894
Xov. 1, 1904
Nov. 1, 1904
Feb. 11, 1901
Deo. 10. 1897A
Xov. 8, 1895
Oct. 26, 1»78
Feb. 4, 13S7
Feb. 25, 1884
Oct. 23. 1890/
Mar. 1, 1333
July 13, 1878A
July 19, IK78
Oct. 23, 1389
Nor. 1, 1879
Jan. 17, 1891
Aug. 1, 1893
Dec. 1, 1901
i For furnishing copies of documents and certifying fees.
j Has had previous service in British Honduras.
k Has service under previous administration.
/ Includes £13 personal allowance to present holder of office.
m For furnishing copies of documents. Besides the sams above stated a sum of £24 7s. 6-^c.p. was paid for copying to
the Onicer drawing pay from the vote of extra clerical assistance, and a sum of £13 ls. 7Jcp. to Mr. Zambakides
(late Student Clerk) and £9 17s. 7cp. to M . Mujaffer Volunteer.
n For furnishing copies of documents.
o Increased from £13 on lst February, 1395.
21 A