[ 125 ]
Amount of
Fees during
the Year
in Sterling
Whether the
| Principal be
I allowed a
j for his personal
Residence: or
if any,
! for House Ileut
! Quarters.
Whether the Office be held by Principal
in conjunction with any. aud wliat
other Civil. Military, or Nuval Office or
Appointment or Place of Profit in any
Colony, or on the Establishment of the
l'nited Kingdom.
If the Office be held by a Military or
Naval OfBcer, whether upon Full or
Half Military or Naval Pay. the Total
Amount of Pay and Allowances of
every kind actually received by him in
addition to the Profit-* of his Office.
i Period during
I which the
j Officer has
beeu Absent
, from dutv on
half-pay leave
! during tbe
! Year.
Whether the Principal
enjoy any, and what other
Advantage or Profit,
not required to be stated in
the preceding Columns.
Date of First
under the
£ *. cp.
3 15 Oa
11 12 Od
12 0 0*
10 0 0/
Is Sheriff of the District, Receiver of
Wreck.*, Marriage Officer. Registrar of
Rinhs nnd Deaths, Marshal of the
Supreme Court in A'lmiralty Jurisdiction,
Coroner, ice.
7 0 Og jFree Quarters
5 2 6 6/t !
! 45 10 OA '
i 58 1 0// ; ... !
I 6 Ti i
j 35 12 On Tree Quarters
Is also SberiS's Officer with
allowance ot £ 6 per a n n u m
Is also Sheriff's Officer without
extra allowance
Is also Sheriff's Officer with
allowance o? £ 6 per a n n u m
Sept. 1,18976
Sept. 19,1888
Aug. 6, 1S90
May 15, 1899
April 1, 1893
Feb. 24, 1892
Oct. 11, 1833
Nov. 23, 1896
Feb. 1, 1904
April I, 1898
July 1, 1879
. May 1, 1S79
July 3, IS32
I Oct. 1, 1SS3
| July 13, 1878/
July 13, 1878/
Mar. 17, 1885
REMARKS—con tit, ued.
f Allowance for being Clerk to Buildings Committee from P.W. Vote.
g Fees as Deputy Coroner.
/• Fees a; Auctioneer on sales of immoveable property under " T h e Civil Procedure A m e n d m e n t L a w . 18S5."
/ Fees under L a w V I . of 1394 (Malicious Injury to Property L\\\).
j Previous service under Turkish Administration.