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Numli-.-r. N**.::*,*-. Situ:-.:ivii, and
Description -r
Manufactures, Mills, V\"orks, .Ve.. A:c.
N u m b e r of
Ships built in
the Island
j Registered
I according to
j I-aw
Number, Nairn:, Situation, and
Ek-scriptiou of
the 3Iinos and Quarries
The Heirs of Antonios Xicolaides :
O n e engine, t w o corn mills a n d
soven cotton gins.
Cxtvrianos P a n a e :
One engine, one corn mill and
four cottou gins.
IF. Amiet:
O n e engine, t w o corn mills a n d
six cottou gins.
Angelo Soundia:
G y p - M i m factory ons engine a n d
t w o disintegrators.
Xicola J. Demetriou:
O n e tohacco-cutting m a c h i n e .
George Dianello:
O n e tobacco-cutting m a c h i n e .
Ph. Zonae to :
O n e petroleum engine, one tobacco-
cutting m a c h i n e a n d o n e auto–
matic c u p knife e m e r y grinder.
jintonio Usmiani :
O n e hydraulic press.
John Papadopoulos:
O n e hydraulic press.
Charidimos Girgotis r
O119 hydraulic press.
Imperial Ottoman Bank :
T w o hydraulic presses (one seldom
u s e d ) .
C. Couppa r
O n e printing press.
The " Philokcdia" Company:
O n e printing press.
George Xiimfon and Erot. Iacovidi:
One engine, one corn mill.
Pasha Ckiftliq :
O u e flour mill, water p o w e r .
The Heirs of Haddad: (Psema-
One engine and one corn mill.
Mari go P. Eliadou : (Kiti)
One engine, one corn mill, two
cotton gins aud centrifugal
pump for irrigation.
Alkiriades Antoniades:
One engine and one corn mill.
Tinghirides and Papadopullos:
One eugine and corn mill.
J. C. Fergusson Pollok :
Oue oil engine and one thrashing
_V. D. Francoudi:
One printing press.
Seven Quarries ; those containing
Terra Umbra in the neighbour–
hood of Strullos, Mavrovouni and
Aradippou, gypsum between
Aradippou and Vouda, marbles
between Aradippou and Vouda.