[ 419 I
Other Institutions.
of Inmates.
Leper Farm
The Sisters of St.
Joseph support a
varying number
of orphans with
funds from Rome
Hospitals i The General Hospital, :
22 beds and; the Dispensary, the :
Lunatic Wards and
the Leper Farm are
supported entirely
Leper Farm bv Government
110 ;
4 cots
j Lunatic
i Wards 33
2i) Beds
2(5 Beds
By Municipal Funds
t :
37 Beds j B y Municipal Funds '.
i and see
Remarks" ;
8 Beds By Government °rant
of £50, Municipal
grant of £40. and
local subscriptions.
22 Beds Bv Government errant
of £50. Muuicipal
grant of £50. private
funds in England,
i local subscriptions
• and by the inmates
i according to their
; means.
12 Beds ! Bv Government errant
of £50. Municipal
Srrant of £10 and
! local contributions
aud donations.
The Eye Hospital was built
by subscription to com–
memorate the Jubilee of Her
Majesty the Queen: it is under
the administration of the
Government, but owing to
the want of a female ward in
the general Hospital the beds
are used for female patients.
The cost of Upkeep for the vear
ended 31st March, 1903."was
£123 14s. 4-k.p.
The Hospital was founded and
is supported by voluntary
effort, and aided by Govt.
contribution of £50 a year.
medical attendance,dru_.-•=*, .fcc.
The Municipalitv -rives an
aunual subscription of £12.
The Hospital is managed by a
Committee on which the Com–
missioner and District Medical
Officer have seats. The ser–
vices ofthe District Medical
Officer aud of a Compounder,
together with medicines, are
supplied gratis by rhe Govern–
ment and the Hospital receives
a grant of mouey from Go–
The Hospital is mtnaired bv a
Board of which rh*- Commis–
sioner is President. The
services of ihe District
Medical Officer and of the
Compounder t...g*-*r!-er with
medicines are supplied by the
Government grar: •?.
The services of the District
Aiedical Officer, r.r.d of the
r<-:.vrhcr w
m dicines for in-parienr are
supplied by the Govt-rumeni
The Hospital i> man-iir-*'! ly a
ee. on v.h:--h ri.fC«»m-
missicner and ri.e District
Medical Offi-v" have se:i*>.
The services oL" ihe District-
Medical Olli cor and of the
Compounder .and the medi–
cines are supplied by tho
Govern m e n t i-r.-iris.