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Amount of Fees
the Tear 1902-1903
in Sterling Value.
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a House
for his personal
Besidence; or
what Allowance,
if any,
for House Bent
-Wliether tbe Office bt held by Principal
tit conjunction with any, aad
• what other CtTtl, Military, or NaTal
Office or Appointment
or Place of Prodt in any Colony, or
. on the EitablUhment ot the
United Kingdom.
II tho Offloe te held by • Unitary or
Xaf-al Officer, whether npon
. Poll or Half Military or Xarai Pay,
tbe Total Amonnt of Pay and
A S O W U O H of
erery U n d actually recei-red by
him tn addition to tbe Profit-, ot hi*
Period during
which the
Officer has been
Absent from
duty on half-pay
leave during the
Tear 1902-1903.
Whether the Principal
enjoy any, and what other
i. .Advantage or Profit,
not required to be stated in
the preceding Columns.
50 13 0 (b)
35-9 0 (4)
3 19 4*(A)
56 . 10 0 (d]
44 10 0 (d
20 3 U(d)
. • : - ' . • •
> !v!t
7th Aug. to '
28 th Oct., 1902
• ; * • * - • - ' . —
: • • ' -
it-.. .
'I «.-'; •!.;;:••:
Date of First
., -.under the
. - Island
13th July,
1878 (c)
11 th Nov.,
5th March,
18th July,
1878 (c)
4th Novem–
ber, 1890
llth Novem-
lst August,
! lst Septem-
! 1890
18th March,
i 1880
! 15th Julv,
| 1885"
! 1st Novem-
| ber, 1*896
6th Novem–
ber, 1379
26tb April,
(b) For certifyiug -writs and furnishing copies of documents.
(c) Had previous Service under Turkish Administration.
(d) For furnishing copies of documents and (in case of Registrar only) £12 for certifying writs of summons.
Besides these sums, a sum of £9 17s. 6c.p. was paid to a Student Clerk.