Amount of Fees
the year 1902-1903
in Sterling Value.
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a House
for his personal
Residence; or
what Allowance,
if any.
for House Rent
"Whether the Office be held by Principal
la conjunction with any, and
what other Civil. Military, or Xaval
Office or Appointment
or Place ot Profit ln any Colony, or
on U M Eitabll*hmenc o( the
United Kiugdom.
It the Offlc* he heM by a Military or
Naval Officer, whether npon
Poll or Halt Military or Xaval Pay,
th* ToUl Amonnt of Par and
Allowane** of
every kind actnallr rcceivi-d br
him ta addition to the Profit* of hU
Period during
which the
Officer haa been
Absent from
duty on half-p.iy
leave daring the
Tear 1903-1903,
Whether the Principal j Date of First
enjoy.any, aad what other : Appointment
f *
Advantage or Profit, ' .j nnder the
not required to be stated in' Island
the preceding Columns. ! Government.
£ *. cj).
io o o(. 0
£ 1 0 for audit of
Locust Funds and
£ 1 5 for audit of
Evkaf Accounrs
22nd Octo–
ber, 1902 (ci)
13th Janu–
ary, 18S6
lst Septem-
•" ber,1839
lsr Janu–
ary, 1894
llth Febru
arv. 1901
(d) Previous service in Gold Coast Colony, Suini. Leone aud Gambia, counting towards pension.
(c) Fees received for assisting in the audit of Locust Destruction Fund Accounts.
(/) Fees received for assisting in the audit of Evkaf Accounts.