[ 88 j
Date of the Law.
Transmitted to KngLi
22iul Mav, 1901.
28th Mav,
28th May,
30ch May,
29cli June. 1991.
4tb July, 1901.
8th July, 1901.
20th July, 1901.
2oth July, 1901.
27th July. 1901.
27th July, 1901.
31st July. 1901.
Srli Augusr, 1901.
29th August, 1901.
21st Augusr, 1901.
Hth Sept.. 1901.
23rd Sept.. 1901.
16ih Dec, 1901.
No. I. — " T o continue iu operation 'The Outlaws Proclainatiou
Law, 1S95'"
-"To amend 'The Cruelty to Animals Law, 1890™
-"To provide for the improvement of the town of Zygi"
-"Toenable Commissioners of Districts to compound certain
offences against 'The Olives Law, 1899,' 'The Field
Watchmen Law, 1896,' "The Roads Protection Law,
18S5,' and 'The Yillage Roads Law, 1900'"
'To appropriate a sum not exceeding One Hundred and
Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-four
Pounds to the service of the twelve months ending the
thirty-first day of March, iu tiie year of Our Lord oue
thousand uine hundred and two"
No. Y. —
No. YI.
No. YII.
Xo. IX.
No. X.
— " T o amend 'The Yillage Roads Law, 1900'"
No. 124 of 5tU
July, 1901.
—"To enable Village Authorities to enter into Contracts and No. 125 of Sth
Iu despatch N
. %
of 20th May, 1901.
No. 91 of 31st
May, 1901.
No. 92 of 31st
May, 1901.
No. 93 of 31st
Mav, 1901.
Xo. 129 of 12th
July, 1901.
Obligations on behalf of Yillage Communities"
—"To provide for the nu inhering of Public Vehicles plying
for hire on public roads aud"streets"
—"To establish Fuel Grounds'"
-"To amend the Law with regard to the construction of
Laws and Ordinances "
No. XI. — " T o amend 'The Burials Law, 1596'"
No. XII. —"To amend 'The Muuicipal Councils Ordinance, 1882'"
No. XIII. —"To amend 'The Fire-arms Law, 18S9'"
No. XIY. —"To amend the Irrigation La**\s 1S97 and 1899 and to
provide for the better Protection and Conservation of
Irrigation Works"
No. XY. —"For making further provision for the service of the twelve
months ended the thirty-first day of March. 1901"
No. XYI. —"To further amend
The Pensions Ordinance. 1882'"
No. XYII. —"To establish a new method of levying tbe Shipping Dues"
No. XVIIL—"To al-olish the tax called Zejriyye aud to provide by other
means for the revenue which will be lose by such
No. XIX. —'-To make further provision to prevent infraction of the
Quarauiine and Customs Laws of Cyprus bv persons in
vessels arriving from abroad"
July, 1901.
No. 13-1 of 20sh
July, 1901.
No. 13S of 26th
July, 1901.
No. I -10 of 29th
July, 1901.
N'o. 141 of 29th
July, 1901.
No. 145 of 1st
August, 1901.
No. 149 of 6th
August, 1901.
No. 150 of 6th
August, 1901.
Xo. 104 of 13 th
June, 1901.
N'o. 157 of 22nd
August, 1901.
No. 170 of 21st
September, 1901.
No. 173 of 2Sth
September, 1901.
No. 226 of 16th
December, 1901.