[ 45U ]
This section is now considered as part of the Limassol-Papho Main Road and the cost
ofthe annual repairs is charged against the Public Works Vote.
Good Carriage Roads. (Advanced from Public Works Loan Funds £7,455 13s. 3c.p.)
Fair Carnage Road (including the 7-i miles Liinassol Wine Roads, Section 1 now
considered as part of the Limassol-Papho Main Road).
Fail'Carriage Road from Famagusta to Tricomo and on to Rizo-Carpas. — See Nicosia-
Tricomo Road.
Cart Road practicable in fine weather abandoned for maintenance.
Fair Carriage Road surfaced with gravel for half distance.
Fair carriage Road, but unmetalled throughout.
Fair Carriage Road
Bridle Road. This road was made to within 1 mile of the village of Simou but has not
been continued as a route to Poli.
Bridle Road. This road commences at the Bridge over the torrent west of the
of Aschelia on thePapho-Limassol Main Road, and terminates at the village of Kelokedara.
Includes £603 3s. lc.p. cost of Bridge over Gias River.
£2.000 subscribed from Island Funds towards construction of this road in 187
£2,365 ls. 5c.p. spent from Island Funds for maintenance 1S97/898 to 1901/L902.
Balance paid by War Office.
Advanced from Agricultural Bank Funds £270 16s. 7 c.p.
£98 12s.