[' 414 j
Questions. .Answers.
XIV. Is there, or are there, any There are no Chaplains attached to
Chaplain or Chaplains of- any, and the: prisons. Priestsof all* denomina-
what, religious persuasions ?
tions are admitted at the
request? of
the prisoners.
X V . Are religious services regularly, In the District Prisons no religions
or otherwise, performed for the benefit services are held. The Greek
ofthe prisoners* of any, and; if any, Christians confess and receive the
what, religious persuasion?
sacrament on their chief religious
festivals. In the Central Prison a
service for Moslems is held on Fridays
and on alternate Sundavs a Priest
attends and ministers to the members
of rhe Greek. Church;
X V I . Are Roman Catholic Priests Access is allowed to priests of all
and Dissenting Ministers allowed free denominations. They are not apprised
access to prisoners of their o w n per- ^hen prisoners are admitted, but notice
suasion? and are they apprised when would be given if prisoners expressed
prisoners ol their respective per-
a w
ish to see them.
suasions enter the prison?