Government Grant.
Voluntary Contribution.".
For Salaries.
For Building
Furniture, Ate.
281 ]
Total Cost for
the Year.
£ S. C.p.
f 203 12 41
tl27 11 4 J
421 3 3
£ S. C.p.
£ S. c.p.
£ S. c.p.
421 3 8
421 3 S
£127 lis. 4c.p. includes £24. allowances to two
superannuated ex-masters of the school. £15
salary of the Doorkeeper. £!."• M r Thompson's
house allowance. £16 Os. "c.p. for books, copy
, etc. £20 4s. passage to Cyprus of the
Head Master Kl.alil Ert. £2 12-i. 3c.p. contingen–
cies and £34 5 1 interest ami sinking fund to
loan Commissioners, etc.
2 0 0
16 S 6
19 15 8
15 15 3
16 8 6
15 15 3
1.1 i.1 3
1.1 15 3
SI 10 6
33 10 6
15 15 3
15 15 3
31 10 6
15 15 3
13s. 3c.p. from Mosque funds.
£4 from Evkaf funds.
13s. 3e.p. from Evkr.f.
£ 2 fr»-.:n A'illairt.
2 •') i)
2.V.I 1 2 0
5 5
j 20 13
| 13 15
0 j
o i
0 '"
10 13 3 i
24 13 3
15 13 3
46 13 3
29 15 0
13 13 0
£10 Vis. 3c.p. from Erkaf Sbubuta funds.
£24 ISs. 3c.p. from Evkaf Mazbuta funds.
Maintained entirely by Government.