i Amount nf Feus
j the Year 1001-1902
in Sterlin? Value.
Whetlier the
Principal be
alloweil a House
for bis persona!
Residence; o:
what Allowance.
if nay,
for House Reut
I 1 0 1
•STvKhiw thu OSlo* b« hull by Prinoipal
In conjunction with any, and
what othar Civil, Militury, or Xaval
Office, or Appointrnvnt,
or Plaoa of Prodt, in auy Colony, or
on tha Eatabliihnif nt of th-i
Unit-id Kingdom.
If tha- Offloa ba hold by a Military or
Naval Offloar, whathar upon
Pull or Unit Military or Naval Pay,
tha Total A m o u n t of Pay and
AUowan'-w of
•vary kind actually r«o«ivad br
hist In t-l.li tion to tha Profit* of hii
30 10 8 (c)
7 9 8 ^c)
103 16 S^e'i
72 13 4 (e)
' Whether the Principal
Period during i
which the ; enjoy any, aad what other
Officer has been j
Absent from i Advantage or Profit,
duty on half-pay
leave during the' not required to be stated in
Year 1001-1902. j
I the preceding Columns.
F r o m 21st
Juue. to
18th Sept.,
1901, inclu–
Date of Firat
under the
10th Decem–
ber, 1897 (a)
8th N o v e m –
ber, 1895
26th Octo–
ber. 1878
18th July,.
25th Febru–
ary. 18S4
23rd October.
1890 (.A)
lst March,
13th July,
187S (<;)
19th Julv,
1878 *
28th Octo–
ber, 1889
REMARKS—cont, u ued.
(a) Previous service on the Gold Coast and in the Windward Islands.
(c) For furnishing copies of documents and certifying fees.
(e) For furnishing copies of documents. Besides the sums above stated a sum of £26 0s. l^c.p. was paid
for copying to the Ofticer drawing pay from the yote of extra clerical assistance, and a sum of £ 2 6 5s. Sic.p. to
the Student Clerks
(f) Has had previous servic-e iu British Honduras.
(ff) Has service uuder previous administration.