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I w 1
iiiniint "f Fees
Year 1901-1902
Sterlin-.' Value.
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a Hous.-.
for his personal
Residonce; or
what Allowance.
if any,
for House Reut
Vlwtber tha Offl-M b« hnll by Prinoipal
ln onajnnotion urith any, anil
what other Civil, Miliury, >ir Xaval
Offlea, or Appointmrnt,
or Plaoa of Prodt. In anr Colony, or
on tha Katablinhracntof tha
Unit*! KlrnM-a.
U Uw Offloa tn hald by a MUltru-y or
Naval Oflk-cr, whathar upon
PuU or Half Muiiju-y cr Xaval Pay,
tha Total A m o u n t of Pay and •
Allowances of
w a r y kind actually reoeivad hy
him In additiun to tha Pr&flta oi hii
| Whether the Principal
Period daring j
which the ', enjoy any, and what other
Officer has been
Absent from j Advantage or Profit,
duty oo half-pay
leave during the not required to be stated ia
tha preceding Columns
Date of Fir*t
under the
• •
a •
10 0 0 (e)
10 0 0 fc)
1st April,
1896 (d)
ISth Janu–
ary, 18*^6
lst Septem–
ber, 1889
llth Febru–
ary, 1901
REMARKS—contii, ued.
(d) Previous service in Gold Coast Colony, L a g o s and British Bechuanaland, counting towards pension.
(e) Fees received for assisting in the audit of Locust Destruction Fuud Accounts.