[ t * l i
Amount of Fees
the Year 1001-1902
in Sterlin? Value.
Whether the j
I'rincipal be j
alloweil a House ,
for his personal ;
Residence; or j
what Allowance
if any.
for H o m e Rent
Whether the O?.:* be held by Principal
in conjunction «-l:h anr. and
what other Civil.
or Xaval
Otflce or Appointment
or Place at Prolit la anr Colony, or
nn the Eftabtt-l-.m-iit ot tbe
Cult-*! Klng-loni.
If the Office be hell br a Military or
Naval Officer, wh'-th«r npon
Fnll or Half Alilitary or .Vavul Pay.
the Tocal A m o u n t ot Pay and
Allowance of
erery kin-l actually rec-iveil by
him In addition to tbe PrufltJ o( U U
Period during
which the
OlHcer has been
Absent from
duty on half-pay
leave during the
Year I'JO l-t 902.
Whether the Principal Date of First
enjoy any, and what other j Appointment
Advantage or Profit, [ uuder the
not required to be --tated in
the preceding Column*.
2 13 4 (c)
0 18 5 (c)
1 S 1 fJ'*
Official Member of tho
Leeislative Council
14th to 21st
Nov., 1901
24th Nov.,
1879 (a)
Uth Mav.
4ch April,
8th Decem–
ber. It»{j5
1 so Dec.,
1-S96 (b)
ary. 1883
lst March.
18th Janu–
ary, 1S90
20;h Janu–
ary, 18«6
24th. Febru–
ary, 1890
14th Decem-
ler. 1SS6
15th Decem–
ber. 1884
18th Mav,
?2mi Decem–
ber, 1S87
3rd June,
:12nd Decem–
ber. 1S79
(a) Permanent service in Cypras from 17th August. 1882. Service iu the H o m e Civil Service counting towarls
pensioa from 10th April, 1878.
(b) Previous Service in Evkaf and Land Registry Departments from 14th June, 1882.
(c) Fees for plans and translations.