153 ]
I Amount of Fce>
! the Year lDol-llk'-'
in Sterling Value.
Whethor the
Principal be
alloweil a House
for his personal
Residence; or
what Allowance.
if any,
for House Rent
•*"!»••<her the Office be aoil by Principal
In ooo*fanotloo with any, ami
what other Ciril, Military, or Jfaral
Office, or Appointment,
or PUoe ot Prudt, ia any Colony, or
on the Et:j-.hlishmnit of the
Cnited Kingdom.
U the Ofioa tw held by a Military or
Xaval Officer, whether upon
FuU or Half MUiUry or Xaral Pay,
the Total Amount of Pay and
Allowances of
•very kind actually reoetrwl by
him is addition to the Produ of hii
Whether the Principal
Penod during ,
which the i enjoy any, and what other
Officer bas been :
Absent from
Ad-rantage or Profit,
duty on half-pay
leave during the not required to be stated in
Year 1001-1902,
' the preceding Columns.
Date of First.
onder the
*. c.p
Major Chamberlane is in re–
ceipt of a Military Pension of
£200 a year. Is also Local
Commandant of Police, Gover–
nor of Prison, Sheriff of the
District, Receiver ot "Wrecks,
Marriage Officer. Reg-strar of
Births and Deaths, Deputy
Marshal of Vice Admiralty
Court, Coroner, «fcc. -fcc.
2s. a day forage
Jth Septem–
ber, 1892
£6 a reAr allowance
lst July,
2nd April,
1884 (d)
15th April,.