I 9 ]
• With a view to prevent tho introduction of the Phylloxera, the importation of
oertain articles from infected countries is prohibited.
I.—The importation into the Island of the under-mentioned goods, articles and
merchandise is prohibited absolutely :
(1). Silver or copper coins.
(2). Beshliks, altiliks or tnemllique piastres.
(3). All sovereigns and half -sovereigns coined before the reign of H e r late Most
Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria.
(£). All sovereigns and half sovereigns which are below the least current weight
as defined iu " T h e Coinage Act, 13"0," or are otherwise not legally current in
(5). T h e substance k n o w n as Hashish.
(6). Salt other than table and rock salt.
I I . — T h o importatiou of the under-mentioued goods, articles and merchandise is
subject to the followiug restrictions:
(1). T h e importation into the Island of fire-arms, detached portions of fire-arms
and side-arms is prohibited e x c e p t —
(«•) at the ports of Larnaca nnd Limassoi, and
(fi.) without a special license uuder the hand of the Chief Secretary issued
under the *'Fire-arms (Importation) L a w , 1891."
(2). T h e importation of gunpowder (except for the use of His Majesty's Naval
nnd Military forces) is prohibited e x c e p t —
(a.) at the ports of Lamaca, and Limassoi, and at the last named port the
importation of gunpowder by auy person in any greater quantity than ten
- okes or twenty-eight pounds is prohibited, aud
(ii.) in kegs or barrels of a capacity uot exceeding ten okes except where the
H i g h Commissioner has by special permission authorised the importation in
some other manner.
(3). T h e importation of shot, percussiou caps, cartridges (other than ball cartrid–
ges) and side-arms is restricted to tbe ports of Larnaca, and Limassoi, and at
the last named port the importatiou of cartridges by any person in greater
quantity than ten okes or twenty-eight pounds is prohibited.
(i). T h e importatiou of ball cartridges or of ball cartridge-cases except for the
use of His Majesty'-* Naval and Military forces is prohibited, except—
(a.) at the ports of Laruaca aud Limassoi, aud
(li.) with the special permission of the H i g h Commissioner.
(5). T h e importation of dynamite, nitroglycerine, gun-cotton, fulminate of mercury
or of other metals or of any kindred substance i? prohibited—
(rt.) except at the port of Laruaca, and
(6.) with the special permission of the High Commissionr, such permission
being in writing under the hand of the Chief Secretary to Government and
subject to such conditions as the High Commissioner m a y thinkfitto impose.
(6). T h e landing in Cyprus of cattle, horns, boo:*, bones, fodder, litter or dung
from vessels arriving from places where cattle disease has been publicly notified
to exist, is prohibited.
(7). T h e importation of hides and skins is restricted to rhe port of Larnaca (except
in cases where special permission uuder the hand of the Chief Medical Officer
has been obtained to import them ar some other place) and such importation
shall, in all eases, be subject to the regulations in that behalf for the time being
in force under the "Contagious Diseases (Animals') Ordinance, 1SS0."
(8). T h e importatiou of rags and old clothing into auy port or place of the Island
of Cyprus, other than Larnaca. is prohibited, and such importation is liable to
be prohibited in any case in which the Chief Medical Officer or auy Officer
acting for or delegated by him certifies that the importation of rags or old
clothing is likely to be injurious to the public health!"
I I I . — T h e following Notifications aud Orders of the High Commissioner in Couucil
are rescinded:
(1). T h e Notification published in paragraph N o . 3 of the Official Gazette N o . 3,
dated the lst January, 1879.
(2). T h e Notification published in paragraph 7 of the Official Gazette N o . 32,
dated the Slst July, 1879, aud the Order of the High Commissioner in Council
dated the 2nd August,"1SS0," published iu the Official Gazette N o . 5S confirming
and continuing the said Notification.
(3). T h e Order of rhe High Commissioner iu Council published in paragraph V .
of the Official Gazette N o . 65, dated the 28th day of December. \aHO.
(4). T h e order of the High Commissioner in Council N o . 70, dated rhc 5th day of
January, 18S(J, and published in the Official Gazette N o . 187, dated the 16fh
January, 18S(3.
Order in Council
No. 275 of the Sth
April, 1897.
Onier of High Com–
missioner published
in Gazette No. GU£
of lnt March, 1901.
* The various Orders in Council have *-:nc*> :<«--;n consolidated and amt-nd.-d bv Order in Coancil No. 275, of 8th.
April. 1S
.»7, published iu Gazette No. 517. of I'.t'n April, 1 *'.-:.