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Transmit tod to Kiu-'.\r.d
frotn tiun: to titno ia
Ojf'winl Giircttc. Vi v.v.'lm-.
. 3th September.
14t!i September.
20th Sopr^mber.
9tii October.
9th October.
24th October.
6th November.
7th November.
23rd November.
7 th December.
Sth Decenibor.
24th December.
'31st December.
2nd January.
5th January.
9th January.
11th January.
23rd Jauuary.
1st February.
4th February.
6th February.
14th Fcl-ruary.
28th February.
loth March.
Rainfall. August, 1900.
Trade Returns.
Importation of Dogs into Great Britain.
Rainfall, September, 1900.
Reward, Murder of Hassan Zarif Paphiti.
Examination of Chemists and Druggists.
Rainfall, October, 1900.
Suppression of Greek Consular Agency at Limassoi.
Quarterly Boards of Survey.
Raiufall, November, 1900.
Trade Returns.
Papho Hospital Rules aud Regulations.
Appointment of Forest Commissiou.
Moveable Holidays, 1901.
Memorandum on Malaria. *
New Cyprus Coinage..
Rainfall, December. 1900.
Death of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria.
Importation of Dogs into Cyprus.
Message of His Majesty Kiug Edward VIL to His People beyond
the Seas.
Dr. Nobel's Bequest.
Advertisement rates, Cyprus Gazette.
Takiug of Census.
Trade Returns.
No. 676 of 23tii
September. 1900.
No. 677 of 12th
Uerob.r, 1900.
No. 676 of 23th
September. 1900.
No. 677 of 12th
Oetol.*.*r, 19*n'>.
No 673 of 26th
October. 1900.
No. 679 of 9th
November, 1900.
No. 630 of 23rd
November, 1900.
N o . 631 of 7th
December, 1900.
N o . 632 of 21st
December, 1900.
N o . 693 of 15th
March, 1901.
N o . 6S3 of 4th
January, 1901.
No. 634 of 18th
January, 1901.
No. 6S9 of 6th
February. 1901.
No. 634 of ISth
January, 1901.
N o . 685 of 23rd
January, 1901.
No. C91 of lorh
February, 1901.
No. 638 of 6th
Februarv, 1901.
' No. 691 of 15 th
j February, 1901.
| N o . 692 of 1st
! March, 1901.
j No. 697 of 2»;th
April, 19J1.