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Date of the Law.
24th Julv, 1900.
2Sth July, 1900.
4tL August, 1900.
18th August, 1900.
Hth Dec, 1900.
15th Dec. 1900.
6th February, 1901.
Transmuted to Krw "Jla
16th March, 1900.
lst June, 1900.
2nd June, 1900.
llth June, 1900.
2nd July, 1900.
2Sth July, 1900.
lith July, 1900.
18th July, 1900.
28th July, 1900!
Xo. I. —"Tu amend "Tlic Police Discipline Ordinance 1S7S.'"
No. N. —"To repeal certain Ordinances and Laws and parts of
Ordinances and Laws re-lacing* to thu Revenue, the
opera;i«m of which has beeu by sub.-e'.-uenG enactments
annulled or suspended."
No. III. —"To amend -The Convicts (Licenses) Law, 1S99.'"'
No. IV. —" To fix the amount payable for tithe dnes and locust tax,
leviable on exportation ia respect of caroubs."
No. T. —"To provide for the detention of Prisoners suffering from.
Contagious or Infectious Disease after the expiration
of their sentences."
No. VI. —"To amend aud consolidate 'The Village Roads Laws,
I$98 awl 1S99.'"
No. VII. —" To provide for takiug the Census of Cvprus."
No. VIII. —"To revive and continue in operation 'The Ecclesiastical
Properties Law, 189:}.'"
No. IX. —" To regulate the appointment of Principal Olacers of
Customs aud Excise in the several Districts of tue
••:-•••• , '-Island." .. -. .*.•,,. .. • •.--:.,_ ., ,-,*.
No. X. —"To charge the priucipal aad interest of certain advances
made to the Government of Cvprus by way of loau for
the construction of certain Public Works upon the
general revenue of the Islaud aud to provide for the
maintenance of such Pnblic Works."
No. XI.
-" To appropriate a sum not exceeding One Hundred aud
Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred aud Three Ponuds
to the service of the twelve mouths ending the thirty-
first day of March, iu the year of Our Lord oue
thousand nine hundred aud one"'
-"To continue iti operation 'The Outlaws Proclamation
Law. 1S95.'"
-"To consolidate aud amend tho various Laws relating t > the
'"•ualliieations of Chemists and Druggists iu Cvprus,
the sale of poisons, the fees to be "taken in respect
ofthe registration of Chemists and Druirgists and for
otber purposes."
-"To provide a proper supply of water for the use of tiie
inhabitants of tue town of Polis tis Khrysokhou."
-" For making further provision for the service of the twelve
months ended the tliirty-tirst day of March, 1900."
-"To provide for the establishment in Cvprus of a Savins
Bank -nth the Security of tlu Uoverumeut of the
-"To amend -The Locust Destruction Fuud Part Appro–
priation Law, ISDS".'
-"To provide for the detention of prisoners sutferibw from
ontaj-potH or infectious disease after the expTratiou
o. their sentences'"
No. XIX. —" To establish a new method of levying the Shipniix* 1 )ues "
No. XIV.
No. XV.
No. XVI.
In despatch No,
of Hth April, 19(
No. 129 of 3ht
M:>y. lyoo.
No. 130 of 2nd
Jane, 1900.
No. 136 of lhl,
June, 1900.
No 195 of 22u*l
August, 1900,
No. 17.j of 28th
July, 1900.
No. 168 of 23rd
July, 1900.
No. 169 of 23rd
July, 1900.
No. 167 of 21st
July, 1900.
No. 174 of 28th
July, 1900.
No. 172 of 25th
Juiy, 1900.
No. 173 of 23th
July, 1900.
No. 1 SO of SOth
Julv, 1900.
No. 177 of 2dth
July, 1900.
No. 1S6 of 6th
August, 1900.
No. 195 of 22nd
August, 190".
No. 253 of 12th
December, 1900.
No. 261 of 15th
December, l-*
No. 29 of Hth
February, 1901-