>••.*-;•:* of IL-1-.* a.:;,
uni!-:: whie!: established.
[ ™ ]
Poweri a n d Duties.
Muaieipal Limits.
j Sources of R
e r
Municipal Commission of i
Kyrenia. The High Com- !
missioner iu Council under
"The Municipal CunciU' j
Law, 1*85"
Information same as Nicosia
Municipal CommissKu of
Lapithos. The High Com–
missioner in Council under
" The Municipal Councils'
Law, 1S35"
Municipal Council " of
Karavas. The High Com–
missioner iu Council under
"The Municipal Councils'
Law, ISS.5"
. O n ihjenst b r :
• T h e •a-csie: it l.auk of tlie river
A:ier.*(!on f r o m its source lo
the --ea.
Oil the west by*:
_ Th.* eastern b a n k ot the river
vathykaka from its source to
iho Lri.lire, over the said river.
o u the Krrenia—l.r.pithos
carnage road, thence the
ci-rasje road to the br.du'C over
• he MavroLimai river (all land*.
x::i... o a the south of the
r m
U-r^-cca the t w o bruises tu be
w:th;n the limit of the Kai-iva
h a n k ..f th.- Jlavroiiiuui river
tn tae tier..
On the nor:h b r :
T h e sea between the mouths
or the rivers Mawr.liiuui an.l
O n the south by :
A direct lint: from the eastern
bank of the river Vathvkakaat
it* scarce, thence to localities
Ari-H l'!mV:od. thence to G o m a -
r^tra. tbenc • to Skotini, tb«*nce
to 1'yrokrenios. ihence to ihc
-w-jthtcniMutib of th * river A H C -
nidnn at its source.
( Vide Or.ler of the Hie). C o m –
missioner in • Council N o . HM
|>.i!iii>htd in tfuzrttr .No. .Wft
of 15th March, 1001.)
All tho laud lying within
a radius of oue Euglish
m:!e from gate of the Fore
(vide Order of the High
Commissioner in Couucil
No. 2.i of 24th June, 1882,
published in Gazette No. 88
June, 1882.)
O n tbe east b y :
T h e western bank of the river
Vathykaka from it* source to
the bridge, over the said river on
the Kyrejia—Lapithos carriage
road, thence the carriage road
to the bridge over the Mavro-
I:**i:ji river (all lauds, etc., o n
rhe north of the road between
the two bridges to be within the
limit of the Lapithos Munici–
pality) thence the western b a n k
of the Mavrolimni river to the
O a tho west b y .
T h e nioulh ot the river Yani–
tserou to "tunitserou Spitia,
theace along the Lapithos—
M o r p h o u roail to the source" of
ihc river I'erangi (;vil lands,
etc^ oa the south of the road to
be within the limit of the
Lapithos Municipality).
On the north by :
• Th.« «oa between the m o u t h s
of the livers Vauitserou anil
O a the south by :
A iliiect line from tho
Mon-aste.-**- Krinia Siuair.ko to
the w-
icrn V.a:ik of the
• athyicaka at its source.
( I hie Order of the H i g h Coai-
susioucr ia Couucil X o . 33*
published in Gazette X o . 01)3
of 10th March. 11)01.)
ri ver "
Information sajii
as Nicosia