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Mur.iciuai Litnirs.
Sourc-js o: E c •••-»•
Municipal CornaussJ.*!'..
Nicosia. Tie High Com-
T_..-.r.r.^.-..-r i;; Council under
''The Mv-ivlciral Councils*
_ a r , 1 > S 5
, T 4
Tho Muuiciral C«/.v.v:::? (or
Municipal Conuuisaion
Morphou. The High Com–
missioner in Coancil under
" The Municipal Councils'
Law, 1885 "
M u u i c i p a l Commission
Lefka. The High Com–
missioner in Council under
" The Mnnicioal Councils'
Lav, 1885."
r.-.m-UAn, as the c:.--o -.iay L?,* are c::..rg*-*l
v.ich the general *•-.:••-'*.•:".'-'.•'••-'- and con–
trol f except in-j police sunt-rviaion') of the
T*-wn. ViliagJ cr
*.rea define-! as ;!.*• M u n i –
cipal limits, in m a n n e r regulated by
v;!.*.-;..*.r.s euact'ine:;*;-:.—
Their duties include:—
T h e construction r.::<I maintenance
of streets, open spaces, Public gardens
and plantations, sewers ;sa«l Grains Public
fountains, privies aud urinals.
T h e lighting of the Municipal area.
T h e cleaning of all streets and open
spaces, and the removal of night, soil and
refuse of houses..
T h e provision of a good and sufficient
supply of water for the nse of persons
dwelling within the Municipal limits.
T h e provision of slaughter houses and
the regulation of the slaughter of animals
for food.
T h e establishment and regulation cf
markets, and the regulation of the sale
of perishable goods a n d inflammable and
explosive substances. .
T h e inspection of food offered for sale
and the destruction of such as is unfit for
" " T h e supervision of weights and
measures and the provision of Public
weighers and measurers.
T h e prevention of noxious and offen–
sive trades and the abatement of nuisances.
T h e regulation of the construction of
buildings and the demolition of buildings
unfit for habitation or in a dangerous con–
T h e provisiou of storage a c c o m m o d a –
tion for inflammable and"explosive sub–
A u d generally the doing of such acts
as will promote the health, comfort aud
convenience of the people residing within
the Muuicipal limits.
T o r these purposes the Municipalities
have power, with the approval of the
H i g h Commissioner, to impose Kites and
other fees aud charges as set out under
•••Sources of R e v e n u e " aud to m a k e B v e -
L a w s for regulating the various matters
coming within the scope of their functions.
A circle drawn at a dis- Kates on propertr
of .*00 yards beyond within the Municipiil
.he salient angles of the i limits, but, except iu
t ii
bastions of the fortifica- ' rare instances, such a
tions (ride Order cf H i g h rate has no: i.eeniui-
Comniissioner iu Council posed, fees on tue
X o . 2 5 of 24th June. 13*2. siauirhterinc- of r.;-?.
published iu Gazette X o . S3
of 25ih June, 1SS2).
T h e T o w n of Lefka (includ–
ing Apliji) and the lands
attached thereto except such
as are wichin 2 0 0 yards of
the seashore.
mals,_ to'ds "and sral-
i luges in marki-ts, rates
! cm trades and profes-
' sions, weighing and
; measuring" fees, fees
j for storage of infiam-
' mable aud explosive
[substances, fees for
• building permits and
; legalization of con-
{ tracts, rents cf Muni-
; cipal properties and
: fines and penalties
! from prosecutions
; under the 3Iuuicipal
The Town of Morphou
(cide Order of High Com–
missioner iuCouncilXo. 128
of 26th October, 1888, in
Gazette Xo. 271 of 2ud
Xovember. 1SSS). * •