Question III.—(Diet.)
Ko. Dietary Table.
A cook is engaged who provides what is obtainable in tho Bazaar under the supervision
ofthe Chief Medical Officer.
Question IV.—(Inspection.)
Divide the Patients in the Asvlum during the vear into the following Classes :—
(I.) Maniacal and Dung-erous
(IL) Quiei Chronic
(III.) ITelaacboIr and Suicidal
(IV.) Idiotic, Paralytic, Epileptic
Give the number of Visits of Inspection paid to. the Asylum in 1900.
And Statin-r the 0;fic:'al Position cf the Visitors.
Distlneuishine those Visits ia
j By an Inspector specially
which all Patient3 were seen Bv the Hieh C o m m i t io-.ier B v a Government
Bv __. Committee of the ' chars
-;! r*> ascertain the
ivnd every Part of tbe Euildinj; * or Chief Secrotar
Visited from Visits of
Partial Inspection.
Ia*-*:ector. (/)
Gcvorainsr BoJ.v.
contir.ued Lunacy or
others-vise or the I\-*it*uts.
1 0 f
A p ? 0
i e
. ; Of Surprise. ,
A p ?
J * . ^ / Of Surprise. :
A p p 0
£ i
a t
a t
j «-** Sarpriie.
I. Complete Inspections
2. Partial Inspections
State how many Reports of the following kinds have come under the notice of the High
(f.) Financial and Statistical (showing, amongst
other things, on what Svstem the jlonev and
Store Accounts are kept and audited;.
(II.) Eeports by the Person or Persons charged
with the immediate management ofthe Wards.
(III.) Eeports by an Official Inspector, inde–
pendent ot the Governing Bodv of the Wards.
Monthly accounts of expenditure and an
annual report by the Chief Medical Officer.
(a) The Chief Medina! Ofiicor.