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Questions. Answers.
XIV. Is there, or are there, any There are no Chaplains attached to
Chaplain or Chaplains of any, and the prisons. Priests of all denomina-
what, religious j-ersuasions ?
tions are admitted at the request of
the prisoners.
X V . Are religious services regularly, N o religious services are held. The
or otherwise, performed for the benefit Greek Christians confess and receive
of the prisoners of any, and, if any, the sacrament on their chief religious
•what, religious persuasion?
festivals. Greeks and Turks only
value a service when held in a church
or mosque respectively.
X V I . Are R o m a n Catholic Priests Access is allowed to priests of all
and Dissenting Ministers allowed free denominations. They are not apprised
access to prisoners of their o w n per- when prisoners are admitted, but notice
suasion? and are they apprised when would be given if prisoners expressed
prisoners ot their respective per- a wish to see them.
suasions enter the prison?