Reviews and, if known, the circulation of such Newspapers and Reviews.
Titli* of Publication.
The Salpinx" (2a«\n*i7$),
weekly news–
paper in Greek.
Stated by tiie Editor to be 600 copies
weekly. Circulated in Cyprus, Mersina,
Tarsos. Alexandretta. Tripoli. Beyrout,
Jaffa, Jerusalem, Port Said, Alexandria,
Cairo, Omdunnan Suakim, Wady Haifa,
Assouan, Beira. (South Africa) Rhodesia.
Smyrna. Rhodes, Crete. Constantinople,
Greece, Paris, London, Manchester.
"The Phonitis Kyprou" (<Pu>x>))ri}
, Stated by the Editor to be 1,000 copies
a weeklv newspaper in Greek. • weekly. Circulated in Cyprns. England,
Frauce, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Russia,
America. Italv, Scotland, Germanv and
many other places.
a monthly news- ; Stated by the Editor to be 400 copies.
paper iu Greek. Circulated iu Egypt, Palestine. Greece.
Switzerland and France.
"The Cypriot" (Kwrowc), a weekly news- Stated by the Editor to be 450 copies.
paper in Greek. . Circulated in Cyprus, Eugland, Greece,
Egypt. Syria and'Smyrna.