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[ i"> 3
Amount of 1-V*.-.
th-.- Year H.'0*Mt-*Jl
in Starling Talue.
Whether the J
Principal be !
allowed a House I
for his personal j
Residence; or j
what Allowanee, :
if any,
for Hoase Rent
W i l i e r the OZc* bm it'll by Prluji.-Al
la oeafaaotloa vriti iay, ur.l
ert»t other Cihl, Miliary, or .Vara!
Otfice. or AjptinajU'at.
or Pivot at I'roa*. in aa>* Coliay, or
oa the EKtab![*!h-&ei-.t ot th*;
U-ii-.od KL-.jloia.
Ii tie Oca,:-; be hell jy r. Mi:;*-.*-** or
XAval OScer, -vhethtr up'-a
full or lUli itilitexy or N-,T*1 ?:IJ-.
the Total A m o u n t of Fir -,*• I
AlliWltyl At
•eery kind ncfiiU*- r-cflTejl he
him tn aid-lion to the Pradu ot'bin
t'driod during
which the
Whether the I'rincipal
en/;-- any, and -.vhat other
Adrantage or Prodt,
\ O.lieer ha» bo:a
Absent f.-oot
! dutyoa half-pay
; l-ave durin if the not required to he stated in'
I Vear 10'i-i-lOoi. ;
the prooJing Columns
Date of Jir3t
undor the
£.50 IIousc
6 5 0(b)
Is Sheriff of the District,
Marriage Officer, Registrar of
Births and Deaths, Corocer,
Deputy Marshal of Tice-Ad-
mtraltv Court, l c , &c.
llth Sept.,
to 13th
Nov., 1900.
£ 6 allowance
ls: October,
H t h Septem–
ber, 1S89
lst Decem–
ber, 1384
26th Janu–
ary, 1893
SOth Novem–
ber, 1S97
ls: August,
21st Mav,
R E M A R KS—continued.
(b) Fees for Weights and Measures.