[ 41;
Question III.—(continued).
I. In reference to the above Table, state whether or not
the Register Books were produced on every occasion;
and if not, on how many occasions they were not so
II. And if on any occasion when they were examined, they
were found not to be properly made up to date ol
III. State also how man}- Reports of the following kinds have
come under the notice of the High Commissioner:—
(c) Reports of a Financial and Statistical kind,
.".* such as show the system en which
Money and Store Accounts are kept and audited.
(b) Reports by Persons charged with the immediate
management- of the Hospital.
(r) lieports by a Government Inspector, independent
of the Governing Authority of the Hospital.
(Append copies of his Reports, if any.)
For Nicosia Hospital.
1. Always produced when required.
II. Always found made up to date.
III. (a) Monthly financial reports for the Xicosia Hospital
are forwarded by the Chief Medical Officer to the
(b) None
(c) ISone.
Larnaca (same as above with exception III. (a) as shown below)
III. (a) Monthly accounts for the Larnaca Hospital are
forwarded by the District Medical Officer to the Hon.
Treasurer, Larnaca Hospital.
For all other Hospitals.
(same as above with exception III. (a) None.)