Question II.—(continued.)
(I.) What quantity of "Water is available for
each Patient every day?
What is the source of the Water I
What is the quality of the Water?
(II.) Detail the arrangements as to Bar,hs
and Lavatories.
(111.) What is the system of Sewerage; and
what the condition of the Privies?
Police and General Hospital
I. The quantity of water is limited, but sufficient.
The source is r. well dug- in rhe Hospital ground.
Quality good.
II. Baths on premises.
III. Ci--.--:.: *-y
tem, cLaiied several times daily; there is an
•:••-v. suriV-e drain for refuse water.
General Hospital.
I. T L
of water is practically unlimited.
laf sourer is the town aqueduct.
Q'...i:*y is inditfereiit.
II. There :i*<r no arrangements as to baths and lavatories.
0::e small tin bath and one lull sized bath are used
v. hen required.
III. There is no svstem of sewerage. The drv earth svstem
is used i*; '.he privies. Dirty water, &c, is thrown out
en the open space at some distance from the hospital.
NOTE.—S?iibsc-r!r:i -L- are f-riag obtained for the purpose of building a hospital as
the ]:r-*e-.:: build::..: is *;o-.v I'.ied as nu Infectious Diseases Hospital.
General Hospital.
I. The water supply is sufficient.
Sour-.-e the town water-works.
Quality good, but hard.
II. There are no baths or lavatories.
III. There is no sewerage. Dry earth latrines are used.
Police Hospital.
I. TL-: quantity of water is unlimited.
Source a fountain 6£ miles distant, brought in by an
Quality fair.
II. iSo bath or javatoi'ies.
III. Prv earth latrines are used and the contents thrown
dailv into the sea. There is no sewerage.
General Hospital.
I. Ti.-.' v.-..ter supply is unlimited.
The z'-'v::-- a f'uutam in the town.
Quality go- d.
II. One iuii-sii-:d bath, in u.-e when required.
III. Their is U'-i sewerage. Dry earth latrines are used.
The same answers for Police Hospital except- that there
is no bath.
Police and Gcic'ral Hospiial.
I. QuantiTv of water is unlimited.
Soinve ihc- Town aqueduct.
Quaiitv £•"•> >d.
31. rh-re'ar-;- rwo lavatories and two zinc baths and the
:v;Y.s.- v.-ater i
carried away when necessary.
III. There is no sewerage. The dry earth system is iu use
::; the privies.