Questions. Answers.
VII. Ifso, (A; during whatperiods of See answer to question No. VI.
imprisonment, (I) in respect of what
D u r i n g a]
periods <jC iml
classes of prisoners, (c) and during
mem {n the Central
r i g o n >
how many hours, is such penal labour
, *
. /• , j (£)• All classes of prisoners in tin
enforced? In statins: hours of tread-
Central Prison excepting those sen–
tenced to imprisonment only.
wheel labour, give, first, the total time
on aud off at the wheel, &c.; secondly,
the length of spells and intervals of (0-
T n e u s u a l
number of hours for
a day's labour to complete 10,000 re–
V11I. "What kind of labour, other Stone-breaking, road-makic;; wenv-
thau penal labour, is in use?
ing, shoe-making, tailoring, tree-
planting, carpentering, storing salt,
cooking, baking, washing, dyeing,
watering Government and Municipal
plantations, labour on public' works
under the Public Works Department,
winnowing, storing, shipping tithe
gram. Masonry. Weaving. Basket-
niakiuir. Y.'hite-washine*. Brush and
Stocking-making. Concrete cement
IX. If the prisoners are employed
bc-v.ind the walls of the gaol, state—
1. On what kind of work they are Road-making and repairing roads,
<*.•, .-•:.....fved?
tree-planting, building, cleansing
public offices, storing salt, watering
Government and Municipal planta–
tions, storing and shipping tithe grain.
aud quarrying stone, and con-
servancv, but all work bevoml the
walls of the Gaols—excepting the
cleansing of certain Government
Offices—has been discontinued since
Februarv. 1900.