Reviews and, if known, the circulation -of-such Newspapers and .Reviews.
Title of Publication.
The Neon Ethnos" (Nt'o.. "Eflvoc). a weekly i Stated by the Editor to be 300 copies
newspaper in Greek.
weekly. Circulated in Cyprus, Egypt,
Greece, England and New Ycrk.
The >;-.:pinN'' (^.Wey;), a weekly news- Stated 'by the Ediiur to be (r20 copies.
paper in Greek. weekly. Circulated in Cyprus, Syria,
i United Kingdom, Greece, Turkey. France,
America, Egypt aud South Africa.
T h e Ph-'iii tis K y p r o u " (4>a»>'»; rye Kv-pov),
a weekly newspaper in Greek.
Stated by the Editor to be 1.000 copies
weekly. Circulated in Cyprus aud other
British Colonies. England, France, Greece,
Turkey. Egypt, Russia, America. Austria
and Italv.
Education'' ('EK-a.'cWic). a monthly news- Stated by the Editor TO be 350 copies.
paper in Greek. Circulated in Cyprus. Greece. Swirzcrland.
I France and Turkey.