26 ]
S H E R I C O U R T F E E S (continued)
Order appointing Vekil in the matter of real property, 15 per thousand upon the value \
of the property.
For wills"drawn up before the Sheri Court, 20 per 1,000 on amount mentioned in will.
For Hodiet" proving the will, after deduction of one-third of the succession
received by executor, 2-s per cent, on the remainder, but if the third has been dispose! of,
40 piastres only is tak-m.
O n sales,*20 per 1000 on value; ou declarations of mortgage. &c, 10 per 1 0 0 M on
Hoijets for division of real property. Valvar. Mulk or Ara;- 15 p.*r 1,000 on value
A U T H O R I T Y .
ot same.
va lue
Hodiets for side or disposal of property of insane people and minors, 15 per 1,000 on ,
\ Law of 16 Sefer,
O n Vakfieh prepared in the Sheri Omit. 2i per ceut. on the value- of the object made \ "'$J)i.Lis^Otz^Yo]
Vakouf up to 20.000 piastres ; beyond this sum i per cent. •
/ ii., p. 33M"'
For Ilams changing Vakoufs from IdjarO-i-Vahide t. Idjaret?i:., 2^ p?r c.vst. o:< the
For Ilams for the appointment of Muderris. Sheik, Iiham, Khatik M-m*zzin, Devri-
Khr.- and such like orhec-s, from 25 to 20
> pia=tr-\*. discretionary with Cadi.
F-*r H a m s of appointment as Muravelii. Z.iv-edar, Mezraadar, Mal'uhv"? and such Ilk
appointments, a fee nor exceeding 2o per cent, of th? yearly pjr.so;<a! profit by the app >int-
For d-icf-nvent- c- ntaimng information r.-sp?er:;.g appointment-. «fcc, an office l~:
(Kalemie) not exceeding 50 piastres.
For an extract or a copy of an H a m , Hodjet, Vakfioh, or other document, half the
original fee.
For making an inventory of the estate of a deceased M o s l e m W h o has died leaving /
heirs uuder disability 2\ per cent, upon the nett vaiue of the immoveable property which ~
^TH-of 189S
forms the share of each, heir under disability.
For an order appointing guardian of minors, their subsistence, certificates of majority,
& c , 10 to 30 piastres according to the case.
For an order for the loan of properties of orphans or of the Evcaf. 1 p*r cent, on the
a m o u n t : on renewing the order, ^ per cent.
O n examination and revision of the accounts of estates of minors, everv three vears or
at longer intervals, if a surplus has accrue*.!, 2 5 p?r thousand on th? surplus after" deduc–
tion of all expanses. If the examination is m a d e after on? vear, one-third of the fee and
two-thirds if the examination is* made after two years. If there is no surplus then a fee
is taken as follows :—
If the capital does not exceed—
10.000 piastres
30,000 piastres
and 10 piastres for each 20,000 up to 150/"00 piastres.
Above 150,000 piastres
10 piastres
20 piastres
L a w of 16 Sefer,
1276. Destour. Vol.
/I., p .801. Leg. Ott.,
/ Vol. II.. p. 333, ct *eq.
150 piastres
For inventories of properties of lost people, hmaties and old people in dotage 1 per
cent, on the value of the same.
istres. / Marriage license for spinsters, 10 piastres, for widows
On the issue of a summons to a party in an action or to a witness
o pias
i L a w of 12 Mouhar-
- 5 piastres. .
i2sa, Destoui
( Vol. 1.. pace 361.
I. U p o n effecting (1), an Original registration or (2), a registration of title bv
Prescription :—
. * " • • • *
• " ) • Of a grant of Mevat -
J ,
6 c.p. Paper and Clerk's fee only (sec *)
., . >•» i
/ Tapou Ke.-ulations
(o). Of Arazi-Mir.e fU-ss than 10 years cccnp.-.tion.
T h e value of the land \
o f :
Shabam 127<;
f 10
{ ' o7thc
i;,K[ ^ ^ \ ^ ^'"
I Of a value less than 5.000 piastres |
-P-.^f-iud Clerk's •
•" | fee only (sec *) /
,, ., O, a vr.Vac from o.Oin to 10.00!) .. 5 piastres.
/ I.iw of 2*5 Kedjeb,
\ I2'."l, (1S74) Detour
( III., p. iVJ.
< £;* ^ " ^ £ r J w^L*** ) °
orpart thereof npto lO.^.OOOpi-.istrcs ] ° I'
Of a vah*.u exceeding 100,000 „ 100 piastre*.
(d). O n conversed ]
of Jdjare-Vahidj [
into Idjaretein j
- G cp. Paper and Clerk's fee (,„ •) fgj a £ ^ S u r
( I-. p. 215.
II. U p o n registering a transfer by (1), Sale cr (2). E x c h a n g e : —
(a). Of Arazi-Mirie, by sale -
(b). Of Arazi-M-.-vcoufe, bv sab
o per cent, of the sale juice. 1 D.enw.i-ul-
j }"
OS58), Detour
V I-, p. 20H.
fKeiralaiions of 25
I^Tnaaui, 12S1 ~
(li'H). Destour I
p. 215. *••'