[ 9S j
R E T U R N of Members composing- the Executive Council.
Date of Appointment, i D
* of Confirmation.
Hia Excellency Sir "William
Frederick Havnes Smith.
The Officer Commanding the
Captain Arthur Henderson
Yonnpr. C.M.G.
Alfred George Lascelles,
Alexander Mnrrav Ashmore
A D D I T I O N A L M E M B E R S •
His Eminence
Mehmed Vedjih Etfendi
P. Con*tantinii-!es
A. Lia^Ldes
23th April, 189S
31st August, 1894
1st September, 1S98
5th July, 1S9.
28th April, 1898
14th Julv isi*;
Whether holding any and what other
Civil or Militarv Otfice.
High Commissioner and Cormnande-'-ia
Cliief Secretary to Government and
Member of the Legislative Covuicil
Queen's Advocate and Member of the
Legislative Council
Receiver-General and Member of tbe
Legislative Conncil
Cadi of Cyprus
Member of the Legislative Council
j President, Municipal Council, Xicosia.
and Member of the Leeislative Council