[ 86 ]
Date of the Law.
Transmitted to EnfUaj
2nd April, 189S.
16th April, 189S.
9 th Mav, 1898.
20th May, 189S.
J3rd Mav. 189S.
4th June, 1898.
23rd June, 189S.
13tb Juiv. 1S98.
ISth July. 189S.
9th Ansusi, 1898.
20th October. 1808.
No. I. — " Relating to Minim: Concessions"
No. II. — " T o extend and limit tbe duration of Uegistrations of
No. III. —"To appropriate a sum not exceedin;/ one hundred and
thirteen thousand eight hundred and ninery-six pounds
to the service of the twelve months ending tbe thirty-
first dav of March, iu tbe -rear of Onr Lord oue thousand
eight hundred aud ninety-nine'"
No. IT. —"To aoieiid certain pr.-visio:-.- of *Tiie Civil Procedure
Amendment Laws 189i and l*s'.K5""
No. T. —"To further ominue in opevaii-.-n the Law -To make tem–
porary provision to protect the claims of Ecclesiastical
Corporations to certain properties in Cyprus'"
No. TI. —"To facilitate tbe lending of Seed Corn for Agricultural
No. TII. —" To provide :i means for the part payment of interest and
of a sinking fund in connection with the outlay and
expenses tv be incurred in the construction aud "main–
tenance of t*. Railway and the cin>tructi--!i of a Harbour
in Cyprus"
No. Till.—"To amend the Game Laws"
No IX. — " T o amend tbe 'Pensions Ordinance. IS*-*-*?'
In despatch No. 64
of 6th April, 1S9S.
No. To u_' I9tii
April. 1898.
No. 90 of 12th
Mar. 1898.
No. 9.5 <d' i9;L
Mar. Is9i<.
Nu. 100 of 27th
Mav. \H'i)S.
No. 10s
f (it'.j
June. 189S.
No. 12i> of 24;b
June, lsy>.
No. X. —
No. XI. —
"For making further provision for the service of the twelve
mouths ended the thirty-firs: day of March, 1S9S
"To amend the stamp laws with respect to policies of
insurance *"
No. XII. —
No. XIII.—
"To provide for tbe Improvement of the Town of
Famagusta "
"To vary the fees taken upon the makincr of Inventories o
the Estates of deceased Moslems, who "have died leaving
heirs under disability "
No. X I T . — "To amend the Law relating to Weijrhin? and Measuring
ny Municipalities *"
No. 126 of 24tb
June. 189>.
No. 120 ui 22nd
June, 189S.
No. 104 of 2nd
Juue, 189S.
No. 99 of 27th
May. 1S9S.
No. 122 of 23rd
June, 189S.
No. 125 of 24th
June, 1S9S.
N'o. 1 f>9 of 4th
August. 189*.