[ 73 ]
A General Return of tbe Militia, and any other Loeai C'-rp*-. with the Chart-* attending the
same ,-
The pecuniary Allowance.*- *^if nuvj granted to the Queen's Troops ; and the Value of Piations,
Quarters, or other advantages received by them, and f-»ruiiiijr a Charge on the Island ;
Ascer*ain and state the Amount of Kill- drawn by tiie Cominis-ariat for the Pay and Allowances
of the Troops ; tho Anion:*.- of l»il!s drawn by the W a r Department for I'ay and Allowances of the
Detachments of Uoval Artillery and. Engineer* : aud the Amount of Expense.-- incurred bv the T\'ar
Department for the construction and repair of Military Works.