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Question II.—(emu,'iucd.)
(I.) What quantity ol! Water is available for
eacb Patient every Jay?
What is the source ofthe Water?
What is the quality of th-.* Water?
(II.) Detail the arrangements as ro H*.itiis
and Lavatories.
(III.) Wliat is the system of Sewerage; ur. J
whnt the condition ofthe Privies'?
Police and General Hospital
I. The quantity of water is unlimited.
The source is a well dug in the Hospital ground.
Quality good.
11. Baths ou promises.
III. Closet system, cleaned several times daily; no proper
drains ou premises but the refuse water is carried
away as often as required.
The Hospita! is ar present (owing to tlie recent epidemic
of small-pox administered in a small parr oi' t'.te
QuarauiiiH* liuildiugs.
General Hospital.
I. The quantity of water is practically unlimited
The source is the town aqueduct.
Quality is indifferent.
•II. There are uo arrangements as to baths and lavatories.
One small tin batli aud une lull sized bath are used
when required.
III. There is im system of sewerage. The dry earth system
is used in the privies.- Dirty water, «£c, is thrown out
on the open space at some distance from the hospital.
NOTE.—Salisi.-rit-tions arv W m i r ...litaiiie.I f...r the {ini|K:se <>f Lailiiiii-^ a hospital as
t!ie |.rt?;c:ii lmillinjr i-- n.i.v u.-e 1 as a n Infectious Dise.i.*-.-.* Hospital.
General Hospital.
1. The water supply is sufficient.
Source the town wafer-works.
Quality good, but hard.
II. There are no baths or lavatories.
III. There is no sewerage. Drv earth latrines are used.
Police Hospital.
I. The quantity of water is unlimited.
•Source a fountain (H miles distant, brought iti by an
Quality lair.
II. No bath or lavatories.
III. Drv earth latrines are used aud tlic contents thrown
dailv into the sea. There is no' sewerage.
P A P H O :
(jencral Hospital.
I. The water supplv is imliiuited
The source a fountain in the town.
Quality good.
II. One full-sized bath, iu use when required.
ill. There is no sewerage. Dry earth latrines are used.
The same answers for Police Hospital except that there
is no l»ath.
Police and General Hospital.
I. Quantity of water is unlimited.
Source tlie town aqueduct.
Quality good.
II. There are two lavatories auu two zinc baths and the
refuse water is carried a way when necessary.
III. There is no sewerage. The ilry earth system is iu use
in the privies.