t.Jui'sfi/ms. Answers.
X-. • . . •
X L Wh,at. was the annual amount Takiug an average of the number
- -
. 'J •
.• • **.C j * .
. . .
of the prisoners' earnings during °J' prisoners employed <m Public
,^g^ QQO
Works and valuing their labour at
4j,c.p. per man perdiem, the value ol
the services of the convicts during the
year may be put at £1,611 10s. 8e.p.
Tlie estimated value of rhe labour of
prisoners employed ou industrial
work (shoe-making, tailoring, wea–
ving, dyeing, carpentering, brush
broom and stocking making) is
£1,717 4s. 2i<*.|>.
The amount derived from the sale
of broken stone to Municipalities and
paid into the Treasury was £5.X 3s.
3586 cubic yards of I in .ken stone,
were also supplied to the Public-
Works Department for which no
payment was receivi-.')-
Total £3386 18*. 8,.*.],.
XII. What are the number • of the In winter 10 hours, in summer S
, u -.«. i • i -j \. A ;i\.i„
„ hours. Sleep is in association in the
liours allotted for sleep. And, it sleep
. . District Prisons. The passages, cor-
is in association, are the dormitories ., , .
„ ' .. , ,
ndors ana wards are well lighted.
lighted; and how often are they T^ey are constantly patrolled during
patrolled during the night?
the night, and are visited frequently
and at uncertain hours by the (Jov-ar-
nor of the Prison.
Each prisoner sleeps in a separate
cell in the Central Prison.
One warder is stationed, in eacb
- . j
- - *•'•-••••<*- - • i
XIII. What were the number and FJog£ed
not exceeding 25,
•• i. f n . ••.-•• ••••
• •'•..... '• -. •f..- •• V .-; • ••-_ •' - • . t. I . . . ; , . —
nature of the punishments inflicted for
t..ff.'.'-'..'.""•"."."/" ' Z:
- "'''''!„V.*^1V" Solitarv confinement, with'
oHeneeseommirredbvpriMiners, under-
- ..-.,..•*
bread ana'water 1* to (> •
going imprisonment?
Solitary confinement 1 to U
Bread and water, 1 to 7
Dark Cell
Crank labour 1 to 3 days ... —
., ,. 4 to 7 ,. ... 6
.. over 7 davs ... 3