[ ««. ] 4*)
- VII; Ifso, (a) during what periods of
imprisonment, (&) in respect. gl" what
classes of prisoners, ic) -..nd during
how many hours, is such penal labour
enforced ? In stating hours of tread-
wheel labom-, give,first,the total time
on and oft* at the wheel, &c.; secondly,
the length of spells and intervals of
See answer So> question No. VT. '.
[a). During all periods of iinprison-
inent in the (.'eutral Prison.
ib). All classes of prisoners in the
Central Prison excepting those sen–
tenced to imprisonment only.
(c). The usual number of hours for
n day's labour ft> complete 10,000 rem.
•VIIL "What kind of labour, other'.-
- • - - *
• ^ - « -
— - -
* *
than penal labour, is in use? ? A V
Stone-breaking, road-making/ weav–
ing, shoe-making, tailoring, ivree-'^
•"- ^planting, cotton-spinning, 'carpenter-.
ing, collecting salt, cooking, baking,
washing, dyeing, watering Govern–
ment plantations, -lajbouj on public
works under the Public Works De–
partment, winnowing, storing, ship–
ping tithe grain and sack making.
Masonrv and Tinsmiths work. Wear-'-
inj-*c. Basket-making. White-wash-
ing. Brush and Stocking-makiug.
Concrete cemeut pipe-making.
• IX. If the prisouers'are employed
bevond the walls of the gaol, state^-
• L O n -*rhat..kind of wgrfc ther-are
eo employed?
Road-making and repairing roads.
tree-planting, .. building, '•-.- cleansing
public offices, collecting salt, watering
Government plantations, storing unci
shipping tithe."grain, and. quarrying
stone.' .Fellmg."-,trees ~ for -Forest
- *'*• ' .**
-• '-- .-• -
' »'., - . ' 1 ~ .'*-"."-.*- .i"-s.
Department, and conservancy. •">-_ .-"-•