[ te ]
For wreck taken by the Eeceiver into his custody a commission of five poimds per
hundred pounds on the value thereof, but so that the whole amount of percentage shall
not exceed the sum of twenty pounds in auy case.
In the case of derelict delivered into the custody of the Receiver there shall be
charged the followiug fees instead of percentage, viz. *.—
If the value of the ship or boat with her cargo equals or exceeds £600, two
g m n d s for thefirgtday, and one pound for every subsequent day during which the
eceiver is employed on this service.
If the value of the ship or boat with her cargo is less than £600, half the above
But if the amount reckoned according to this Pule exceeds a percentage of five j
per cent., toe latter rate is to be charged. *"
In cases where any services are rendered by a Receiver in respect- of any ship or boat !
injdistress, not beimj unch, or in respect of the cargo or articles* belonging thereto, the i
following fees shall lc- charged, viz. :—
If tiie value of the ship with her cargo equals or exceeds £600, two pounds for •
thefirstday, and one pound for everv subsequent dav the Receiver is emnloved in
the service.
' "
If the value of the ship with her cargo is less than £600, half the above chaWes.
To a valuer appointed under Section 24 of the '-'Wrecks Law, 1886," tnere shall be
paid fees not exceeding the following, viz.:—
Where the vessel only has to be valued, if the value does not exceed -$ «• cp.
..£600 ,
*;*.*. .".
0 10 0
If the value exceeds £600 1 o 0
Where cargo also has to be valued an additional allowance not to exceed 10 0
There shall also be charged by the Receiver in resr-ect of such valuation
the following fees, viz. :—
When the value of the whole property, both ship and cargo, does not
exceed £000
0 10 0
W h e n the value of the whole propertv, both ship and caro-o exceeds
° '
In cases where the Receiver finds it necessarv to employ a valuer to
determine the value of any property in his custodv, there shall be
paid to the person employed to value such property a fee not
exceedin? the following
1 0 0
0 10 0
,. . . _. ium.not
according to the special circumstances of
Ent when the value of the property exceeds £100 there may be paid such sum not
exceeding £1, as may he considered reasonable according to ths R ™ ™ ! ni :**??„ .-
the case.
Order of the Officer
Administering' the
Government under
Sections 20, 24 and
-12 of the " Wrecks
Law, 1SSC,'' dated lst
October, 18S7, pub–
lished in Gazette No.
242 of the 7th Octo–
ber, 1887.
Ko rate vet fixed.
Ordinance No. Xii.
of 1879.
For a boat not exceeding C tons burthen, a charge of 4s. per annum.
For a Wat exceeding 6 tons burthen, 4s. f.,r the first 0 tons and an additional charge I •S'orf^V
ur U. » respect of every ton in excess thereof, up to a m a x i m u m of 10* - ar ° \ ? « » « « * » * pui
•»«—•»» ear.
/lished in GazetU
For boatmen, a charge of 2,. per annum. I ^ugustf\m. "*