Reviews and," if known".*" the "circulation ofsucT'Newspapers and Reviews.
Titl*" of Pnlilicntinn.
" The Evagoras" (Eiayu/jac), a weekly news–
paper in Greek.
"The Neon Ethnos" (Ne'ov "Eflvoc). a weekly
newspaper in Greek.
•• The Salpinx •" (luXirtyS), a weekly news–
paper in Greek.
" Tbe Phoni ti? Kyprou " (<Jw>) ->/*• Kv-xpov),
a weekly newspaper in Greek.
"Education" (T^-me-H-wc*
. a monthly news-
]taper in Greek.
•** The Cvprus'' ;>. weekly newspaper in
Stated by the Editor to be 5S0 copies
weekly. Circulated in Cyprus, England,
Greece. Turkey, Egypt, France, America,
Roumania. Bulgaria. India aud China.
Stated by the Editor to be 300 copies
weekly. Circulated in Cyprus, Egypt.
Greece. France. Ens-laud. Crete and Xew
. York.
Stated by the Editor to be 590 to 600
copies weekly. Circulated in Cyprus,
Svria. United Kin&vloin. Greece. 'Turkev.
Franee. America. Egypt, Switzerland
and South Africa.
Stated by the Editor to he H.OOO copies
weekly. Circulated in Cyprus and other
British Colonies. En a-1 ana, Frauce. Greece.
Tnrkev. Eirviit. llussia. America and
Stated by I he Ediior m be :\n0 copies.
C'iri-ulaied in Cvprus. (Jreeee. Swii /.erlaud.
Frain-e and Turkev.
Staled by the Editor i.o be _o0 copies. Cir–
culated in Cyprus. England and the