Amount of Foes
the Y«ar 199.?-99
in Scaling Value.
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a House
for his personal
Residence; or
what Allowance,
if any.
for House Rent
Whither the Office he hell by Principal
in ooajusction -with any, and
-irt*at other Civil, "Military, cr "Sav:*.'
Office, or Appointment,
or Plaoa of Profit, in anv Colony, or
on tho EstabliRazaent ot the
ITnitod Kingdom.
IT the Offioe be held by a
"Sava! Officer, whether upon
Pull or Hal/ -HHitary 07 Xaval Pay,
the Total Amount of Pay and
Alloiranoee of
rrery kind actually receiTed hv
Sua in addition to the Profits oJ'hi-,
Whether the Principal Date of First
! Period during . •
which the • enjoy any, and what other .' Appointment
I Officer has been ' ' '
I • Absent from Advantage or Profit,
under the
i duty on half-pay
Heave during :'.*.« not required tobestatcd in Island
, Year 1898-99.
j -the preceding Columns. Government.
s. c.p.
• a •
• •
i Allowance for forage
I «t rate paid locally to
troopers aud, yearly,
10s. for saddlery,
i'l is. for shoeing
and £1 for deteriora–
tion of horse.
oth Septem–
ber, 1878
12tii Febru–
ary. lS83(o)
• • • • •
Receive an allowauce for
foraee calculated at the
rate paid locally per diem
for 3 okes of barley and
5 okes of straw; also 10s. a
year for repairof saddlery;
£1 4s. a year for shoeing;
and ±*1 a year for dete–
rioration of horse.
2nd Deeem-
l.er. I8S0
9th May,
19th Octo–
ber, 1882