C O U R T F E E S (continued).
Service of documents :—
For service in Cyprus of any document required to bo served
through the Court such fee a? shall be ptoperly payable to the
pohce for that purpose, and on payment of such fee to the proper
officer of police, the document will be served iu tho same manner
as though it were forwarded for service hy an officer of the Court.
The fees appointed to oo taken by the Police are as follows (uy.—
For the service of auy document served within a distance of
three miles of the Court of tlie District
For every additional three miles or portiou thereof -
But so that the maximum f.v charged shall not '.:_ any case
exceed the sum of
Notice iu lieu of Summons :—
Where the Court or Judge shall order that notice of the writ
of summon* may he given by the advertisement there if and of
the order dir cting th • advertisem -at in the Cypnu Gnzette, th •
following char_-e i- ina-.l • l»y the Chief b-erotary :—
For an advertisement not occupying more space than one
column of the Gazette - - - - -
For every quarter c -hiinn or portion thereof beyond
For ths service out of Cypru- of any document required to be
served through the Court such sum a> shall he actually expended
in effecting such sendee and procuring evidence thereof. Anv
Judge or the Registrar of the Court may,011 application being made
for such service to be effected, require the applicant to deposit in
Court such sum as may be estimated t.i be necessary for defraving
the expenses of such service and the procuring of evidence thereof.
In any proceeding not provided for iu the above scale, iu re.-peet
whereof a fe? lias been h -retofore chargeable, the. sime fee shall
•>- continue to bo taken as heretofore. A n y such fee wh -re expressed
in the currency of tho Ottoman Empire to be reckoned ar th-* rate
of l£ Cyprus piastres for a piastre and 80 Cyprus piastres for a
medjid, and where expressed in Britisii currency to be re;k*v.ie3
at the rate of 1^ Cyprus piastres for every two ponce.
B.—Ix AiJMir..*u.TY
O n sealing a writ of summous in any actiou:
W h e r e the amount claimed is £ 2 0 or under ...
W h e r e the amount claimed exceeds £ 2 0 :
W h e r e no liquidated sura is claimed or where the 1
recovery o: money is not tbe object of the action... j
O u sealiug a summons to nuy person to attend ns u wit
ness or otherwise
••• J
O n entering a judgment or order for which no special fee
is provided
O n notice of appeal from a final judgment to the Privy )
... ... ..
... j
O n order giving leave to appeal to the Privy Cotibcil from )
any order not being afinaljuJgiuent
... ... j
O n raview by the Court of any order of a Judge :
W h e r e the amount claimed does not exceed £ 2 0
W h e r e the amount claimed exceeds £ 2 0 or where reco- I
very of money is not the object of the actiou ... J
O n application to tax any bill of costs :
For every £ 2 or part thereof claimed
O n review of any bill of costs
O n sealiug any writ of execution:
T o recover any sum not exceeding £ 2 0
T o recover any sum exceeding £ 2 0 but not exceeding \ .
£50 ... ... ...
T o recover anv s u m exceeding £ 5 0
£ s. c.p.
6 0
10 0
10 0
•> mi*
5 0
10 0
1 0
5 0
5 0
10, 0
Uules of Court of
17th April. 1*536, pub–
lished in Gnzrttr No.
V.i-i of Sth M a r 1SS6.
(a) These nre ap–
pointed by a notiica-
t:...n or order of ffisrh
' Commission.*.-rof 24th
May. ISS*;. published
in Gazette So. 200 of
lst June, 15*36.
Hides of Court of
llith October, 1SS5,
published in Gazette
S.J. J 61 of 24th Octo–
ber, logo.
*} Order of the High
/ (.'omruii-jiorierof 2iiih
\ June,l£c>>, published
( in Gazette No. 262 of
) 2'Jth June. ISsS.
Utiles of Court of
. 17th April, 18S6.pub-
rli-die-l in Gazette So.
It's of 8th May, 18S6.
The Cyprus lAdtui-
' raltv J urisdietion
Order, 1S«.»3.