[ *19 ]
Amount of Foes
the Tear 1SC3-99
in &erling Talue.
Wliether the
Principal be
allowed a House
for his personal
Besidence; or
what Allowance,
if any.
for Eouse Bent
Whether the Offica be hold by Principal
in oonjunotion with any, and
•what other Ciril, Military, or >'ara!
Offioe. or Appointment,
or Place of Profit, in any Colony, or
on tho Establishment of the
Vnited Kingdom.
If tha Offloe ba held by a Military or
Naval Offioer, whether upon
Pull or Half Military or Naval Pay,
the Total Amount of Pay and
Allowaaoee oi
ererr kind actually reotat-ed by
him in addition to the Profits of his
Whether the Principal Date of First
• Period during ,
which the enjoy any, and what otber . Appointment
' Officer has been
; Absent from Advantage or Profit,
under the
; duty on half-pay
' leave during the not required to be stated in Island
: Tear 1898-99. .
j- the preceding Columns. Government.
I 19th July,
i 1893
3rd Mav,
l-t Janu–
arv. 1897
loth Decem–
ber. 1S9S
22nd Jnlv.
IS 95
18th Mav,
1 896 *
18th Novem–
ber, 1882
! llth June,
!' 1S89
1ST Julv.