[ •«•• ]
A m o u n t of Fees
the T-A-.r 1S0>-<'D
ia Scwiing Value.
W'heth'.-r the j
[ I'rincipal be |
' allowed a Uou*e '
for his pi-rana! '
Rcs.ucr.c<> ; cr
what Allowance.
if any.
for House- Rent
"Whether tt« OT.ce > h»M by Pr-.nrp-r,
la ooDTsaction with any. and
what other CirU, Military, «r >*ara]
Office, or Appointment.
or Place of Profit, in any Colony, or
on the "istafclistaicnt oi the
*Caiw«i Kingdom.
11 tho Offioe b. held by a Miliary or
Kara* O£ocr, whether up**:.'
Poll or Jl_.ii Military or Zfav-i* p.ir,
the Total Amount ot Pay and
Allowance* oi
••try land a.*tuaUy received Sr
him in ad-Unon to the Profits a'i'___._
Whether the Principal Futc of First
Period during
which tut; enjoy anv, aud a-bat oth-jr Appointment
Officer has been ;
Ab»eat from
Advantage or Profit,
under the
i duty on half-pay
leave daring the not required to be stated iu Isiand
Year 1S98-90. ,
! the preceding Columns. Government.
Otn S e p t e m
cc:\ 1S?9
l-t Julr,
"S»C1J n.'to-
'••_v. 1S92
isC .1 Un*;,
.'".-j S.-ptein
itir. 1S91
17 oh J auu-
1 rv. 1894
! -r N O V I M U -
l.er. 1S97
!-' Xovem–
ber. lS9s
i -t N<>\ ciu-
;..:r. 1*S!.K
l<n h Xuvtni-
ber. 189-J
1 -t Novt-ni-
j I 1th .T.-iuu-
! :.rv, 1892
I 1st June,
-i-st Novcui-
!-.--, li>9b(*»)
('/'. F n . n i l-i A p r i l , !•*.•»«, ,-„,;,!..
,,! .-,- .. 'I'.-i,.,...;:.iv F o r . - ; <;.;*..•'.