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[ 88 ]
Date of the fjiw.
Transmitted to England.
ytli April, 1*97.
•4th Hay, 1897.
30th Mare... 1897.
8th April, 1897.
3rd .Tune, 1897.
9tli June, 1897.
18th May, 1897
tin. ,
6th July, IS«)7.
Snl Auirn-r, 1*97.
Xo. 1.—"To amend the Law us to the jurisdiction of the District
Courts in certain cases."
j Xo. II.—"To extend the dnration of existing Registrations of Judg-
No. in.—"To amend in certain 'respects the Criminal Law aud
Procedure heretofore in force in Cyprus."
Xo. IV.—" To amend ' The Wells Law, '1896 / " ;
Xo. V.—"To provide for the Taking of Evidence npon oath or
affirmation iu imjuiries into the Commission of Offences by
Prisoners and in investigations into matters arising out of
the Discipline and Management of Prisons."
Xo. VI.—"To appropriate a smn not exceeding one hundred and
thirteen thousand .three hundred and seventy-nine pounds
to the service of the twelve months euding the thirty-first
. day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and ninety-eight." .
,. , -
Xo. VII.—**To amend'The Malicious Injuryto Property Law, 1894.'"
{ Xo. V I I L — - T o amend,.'The
.Municipal Councils Law, 188.).'"
j Xo. TX.—"To further continue in operation
The Flax Law, IK91.'"
Xo. X.—"To exempt certain Vessels from payment of the Consol–
idated Shipping Dues."
Xo. XI.—"To vary the Incidence of Taxation iu Cyprus."
Xo. X I L — " For making further provision for the service of the twelve
months ended the thirty-first day of March, 1897."
Xo. XIIL—"To esc-alilusli a Public Works Loan Fund." •
Xo. XIV.—"To amend 'The Education Law, 1895.""
In despatch Xo. 79
of 9th April, 1897.
Xo. 102 of 7 th
May, 1897.
No. 67 of 2ml
April, 1897. .
Xo. 80 of 9th
April, 1*97.
Xo. 121 of 3rd
Jum\ 1897.
Xo. 12*2 of 3rd
June. 1897.
.'ii as
2ml SfiirtMiilit-r. 1N97 v v v .i'i- • i
- \ o . X \ . - " Jo provide (or the construction of Iiripition W o r k s
(ypnis and for other purposes relating thereto."
9th Juni-, 1897.
v*. v\-r -s»r
X.. .\\ L - i o prevent the spreading of the wheat pest known r
•*11 w iu hi.
lMih IL.v. I,sy7. \'n wnr ;.'i« » iv
Ao. A \ 111.- |
,htate the cultivation of Tobacco in Cyprus."
Xo. 13(i of Oth '
June. 1897.
No. 139 of 10th
Juno, 1S97.
Xo. 64. of 26th
Man-h. 1897.
Xo. 72 of 9ih
April. 1897.
X.t. 81 of 9tii
April, 1897.
Xo. 159 of 6th
July. 1897.
Xo. 141 ..r lltli
Jinn*, l.*»j>7.
Xo. 13."» of 9fh
June, IS97.
Xo. 204 of ;jnl
September, 1897.
Xo. 138 of 10th
June, 1897.
Xo. 197 of 10th
August. 1897.
Xo. 78 of 9th
April,. 1897.