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S P E C I F I C A T T I O N OF T A X E J S , D L T ; £ . S , &C.
S H E R I C O U R T F E E S (continued)
On sales, 20 per 1000 on value ; on declarations of mortgage, &c, 10 per 1000 on
Hodje:s for division of real property, Vacouf, Mulk or Anus 15 pjr 1,000 ou value
•f *amc
Hodjets for -ale or disposal of property of insane people and minors, 15 per 1,000 on
On VakSieh prepared in th* Sheri Court, -} per cent, on the value of the object made
Vakonf up to 20,000 piastres : beyond this sum i per ceut.
For Ilams changing Vakouf*. from Idjare-i-Vahide to Idjaretein, 2.V per cent, on the
For Ilams for the appointment of Muderris, Sheik, Imam, Khntib. Mouezzin, Devri-
Kha;: aud such like offices, from 25 to 200 piastres, discretionary with Cadi.
F T Ilams of appoiutnieut as Mutavelli, Zaviedar, Mezraadar, Malikhaue and such like
appointments, a fee not exceetling 25 per cent, of the yearly personal profit by the appoint–
For documents containing information respecting appointments, &c, an office fee
(Kalfinie) not exceeding 50 piastre*.
For an extract or a copy of an Ham. Hodjet, Vakfieh, or other document, half the
original fee.
For making an inventory of deceased persons' property, 2h percent, on value of property
or money left, after deducting expenses of burial, debts and one-third of the estate, plus 11
per 1,000 for registration.
For an order appointing guardian of minors, their subsistence, certificates of majority,
<fcc, 10 to 30 piastres according to the case.
For an order for the loan of properties of orphans or of the Evcaf, 1 per cent, on the
amount: on renewing the order, ^ per cent.
On examination and revision of the accounts of estates of minors, every three years or
at longer intervals, if a surplus has accrued, 25 per thousand on the surplus after deduc–
tion of all expenses. If the examination is made after one year, one-third of the fee and
two-thirds if the examination is made after two years. If there is no surplus then a fee
is taken as follows :—
If the capital does not exceed—
10.000 piastres - - - 10 piastres
80,000 piastres - - - 20 piastres
and 10 piastres for each 20,000 up to 150,000 piastres.
Above 150,000 piastres - - - 150 piastres
For inventories of properties of lost people, lunatics and old people in dotage 1 per
cent, on the valne of the same.
A T J T H O R I T T .
Law of 16 Sefer
{ 1276, Destour, VoL I,.
' p. 301. Leg. Ott.,Vol.
II., p. 330.
Marriage license for spinsters, 10 piastres, for widow?
On the issue of a suiumous to a party in an action or to a witness
5 piastres. '
i Law of 12 ilonhar-
piastres. I rem, 1236, Destom
I Vol. I., page 354.
I. Upon effecting on Original Registration or a registration of title by Prescription :-—
(a). Of Arazi-Mirie jXess than 10 years occupation. T h e value of the laud.
J Occupation of 10 years & upwards, 5 per cent, of the valne
Arazi-Mevcoufe (^ of the land.
(J). Of Sirf Mulk.
Of a value less thau 5,000 piastres {
* ° * Clerk's fee
Of a value from 5.000 to 10.000 ,. 5 piastres. *
For each further 10,000 piastres]
or part thereof up to 100.000 piastres )' * litres.
Of a value exceeding 100.000 .. 100 piastres.
• On effecting any ra»tmtion under heads I. to IT. a further charge of 6 c.p. is levied as
cost of Paper and Clerk s Fee (the U c.p. formerly paid to the Clerk is now paid to
Tapou regulations of
7 Shaban, 1276,(1869)
Destour I., p. 209.
Law of 28 Redjeb,
y 1291, (1874) Destour
> III., p. 449.
The various Laws
and Regulations
above uuolt-d.