r 4>.
bi'KCiFicATi'i.v oi-' i.\::z>. Oirnxr-. <;•;(.•..
Proclamation by tha
' Proclamation by tha
Cotton and cottou seed exported is charged with one per cent, on the value \ Hiarh Commissioner
chereof at the p.-rt of .-.hipmc-nt, such value to i>e calculated in the manner prescribed \ of loth March. ISP*-:,
hv "Th., r_m.r
..m T «... I W K Q "
I published In Gazette
by " The Cotton Law. 1889."
Linseed exported if- charged with oi.e per cenr. ad valorem.
Aniseed exported is charged with one per cent, on the vaiue thereof at the
port or shipme•.*.'. such value to be calculated in tbe manner prescribed bv L a w
X X I . of 1391.
J published
( No. 509 of 13th idem.
Proclamation by the
High Commissioner
10th March, lSSti,
published in Gazette
N o .)U9 of the i.'itb
- do.-
L a w XIv*. of 1$%\