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X V I L W h a t provision is made for There are
schools, but well-con-
the education of prisoners?
ducted prisoners w h o can read are
"allowed to have religious books of
their respective persuasions.
X V I I L O n what
conditions are re–
missions of imprisonment granted?
Prisoners of good behaviour
industrious in labour, sentenced to
less than two years are, .if males,
after three-fourths, or, if females, after
two-thirds of their term of imprison–
ment has expired, recommended to
the High Commissioner for remission
of their sentence.
X I X . Have Coroner's Inquests been The District Medical Officer certifies
held on every occasion of a death in as to the cause of death.
prison during the past year? And
-vhat were the verdicts?
A n inquest was held on the bodies
of 2 convicts w h o were shot dead
shortly afrer escaping from the
Central Prison. Nicosia.