Reviews and, if known, the circulation of such N":jwsp:»!>-»•.•.* au I Reviews.
Title of Publication.
" The Enosis " ('Era-mc), a weekly newspaper Stated by the Editor to be 500 to 600
in Greek.
"The Evagoras" (Euayo/joc), a weekly news- Stated by the Editor to be 615 copies
copies weekly. Circulated in Cyprus,
Europe. Turkey and America. /
paper in Greek.
weekly. Circulated in Cyprus, England,.
Greece, Turkey, Egypt, France. America
and other Countries.
"The N e w Ethnos" (N»v "E0vo
), a weekly Stated by the Editor to be 300 copies
newspaper in Greek. j weekly. Circulated in Cyprus, Egypt,
Greece, Syria, Turkey, Tunis, Asia,
Frauce. "Euo-land and Bombav.
"The Salpinx
* (SaXnryg), a weekly uews- • Stated by the Editor to be 520 copies
i i
paper in Greek. [ weekly. Circulated in Cyprus, Svria,
' United Kingdom, Greece. Turkey,
Frauce. America. Egypt and other
; Countries. '
The Phoni tis Kyprou " (<XWy rfc Kv-poo), Stated by the Editor to be 900 copies
a weekly newspaper in Greek. i weekly. Circulated iu Cyprns, England,
i France. Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Russia. !
America and other Countries.