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N a m e of Body and
nnder -which established.
rowers anl Duties.
Sources of Bereft-^
Municipal Commission.
Xicosia. The High Com–
missioner in Conncil under
" The 3Ianicipal Councils'
Law, 1885 "
M u n i c i p a l Commifsion
Morfou. The High Com–
missioner in Council under
" The Municipal Councils-
Law, 1885 "
The general superintendence nnd control of the town in the manner laid down by the
Turkish Law. by •' Tne Municipal Council-.* Ordinance. 15S2." and " The Municipal
Councils' Law.1555." in which last-named enactment the powers and duties of
Municipal Councils are more particularly canned as follows:—
It is the duty of every -Municipal Conncil—
To keep all ro&.ls, streets, square? and public plate? within the Municipal limits clean
and "in good repair, and su*£c:ently drained. -f.-hteJ. and clear cf obstructions.
To provide for the removal cf cii night soil and refuse from every house within the
Municipal limits.
To provide that ali drains, urin.-ils. privies and cesspits within the Municipal limits
shall be so constructed and kept as not to b<- r. nuisance or injurious to health.
To prevent any trade or ba«iae^sfrom being carried on within the Municipal limits in
such a manner as tD be injurious to public health, or a source of public danger.
To prevent the accumulation in any public cr private place within the Municipal limits
of anyfilthor refuse so as to be dangerous to the public health, and to take measures
for the abatement of any public nuisance ar'singirom any public or private cesspjX-i
or drain, or otherwise.
To provide, or cause to be provided, a good andsumcient supply of water fcr the use cf
persons dwelling within the Municipal limits, and to keep, or cause to be kept.
cleansed and in good Tepair all public fountains, drains and aqueducts, and to
preserve the same from contamination.
To provide slaughter-houses and to regulate the slaughter of animals within the Muni–
cipal limits.
To provide for the inspection cf allfiesh,fiah, vegetables and other provisions exposed
for sale within the Municipal limits, and to seize aud destroy all such provisions as
are unfit for human ford.
Generally to do such acts as m a y be necessary for the conservancy cf the town, and
preservation of the public health therein.
Itis lawful for every Mnnicipal Council to administer it3 aSairs under the supervision
of the Government, tn dispose cf its monies and to undertake all or any of the
following things:
The paving, or improvement of any street or public place within the Municipal limits.
The establishment and regulation of markets.
The allotment of special places within the Municipal limits for the carrying on cf
particular trades dealing in perishable goods.
The construction and maintenance of public urinals and privies, ashpits and receptacles
for the tern pcxaty collection and deposit of rubbish.
The fixing cf the weights by which household bread crposed for sale is to be sold
within Municipal limit-?, .and providing that it shall not be sold otherwise than
by weight.
- - .
'. ..
It is Lawful for eveiy Municipal Council, with the consent of the High Commissioner
in Council, to undertake all or any of the follawing things:
The arrangement and
' ' .-.-..
said limits.
The establishment, maintenance and regulation cf hosoitals. dispensaries, poor-houses
and other philanthropic establishments.
Generally the doing of anything which m a y tend to promote the comfort and con-
. venieace of the people residing within the Municipal limits.
Every "Municipal Council has the power, subject to the approval of the Ei<-b
Commissioner, to m a k e bye-laws for the cirrying oat of all or any of the
objects hereinbefore mentioned, and for thefiringend regulation of the follow–
ing rates and fees to be received by the Corporation. . ^ - . -
The fees to be taken for tbe slaughtering of animals at anv Mnnicipal KL-.uzhtcr-bousel *
The rates to be pafd for stallage aad pickage in the Municipal market*. '• -
The ratia to be taken in respect of trades and professions carried on within the
Municipal limits, hitherto known as trade rates*.
The rates cn the issue of permits for building within the Municipal limits and the fees
taken on the legalisatk-n of contracts within the Municipal limits.
It is the duty of every Municipal Conncil—
To deal with nuisances in the manner provided, by the L a w
To take the proceedings prescribed by the L a w agaiust perso'ns carrving on norious
or oficnsive
ithout tbe consent of the Municipality. "
To take the prooeedingj prescribed by the Law, when anv bnildins or wall etc is in
a iu;nous state and dangerous to the public.
" . . '
Every Municipal Council m a y make to regulate the carrring on of anv
offensive trade, bu*:uesj or manufacture estabhshed with their consent.
Every Municipal Council m a y make byc-luws with respect to the following matters
" r Sl^SK 'w„f
* ***
Mtl cons
**™ <* ^ets. and the povisioa*
A m o n g the sources of
revenue of Munici-
palicies are the foi.
Fees on the sfeusrhte*
of animals, rates fo
stallage and pickax
in the markets, rata
on trades and profej.
sions, rates on build.
•tog-*permits, fees on
legalisation of con-
tracts, fees for
storage of petroleum
and lucifer matches,
fines and penalties
from prosecutions
u n d e r Municipal
Laws, fees for vreigh-
ing aud measunnj
under L a w Xo. It!
of 1S84, rents ol
Municipal proper–
ties, paring-rates,
sale of Municipal
propertv, 4c, and, in,
the case of Limassoi,
a tax on the oc-
cupiera and renters
of immoveable pro-|
perty withiu the
Muuiciual limits