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DCliEi, &C.
S U E R I C O U R T F E E S (conlinuiid)
On sales, 20 per 1000 on value ; on declarations of raurtgage. &c. 10 per 1000 on
Hcdjets fcr division of real property, Vaeouf, M u l k or A r a z 15 per 1,000 on value I
of s*nu>
Eodiets for sale- or disposal oi property of insane people and minors, 15 per 1,000 on j
O n Va'.tEieh prepared in the Sheri Court, 2 * per cent, on the valae of the ebjee; m a d e *
Vakouf up to 20,000 piastres : beyond this s u m { per cent.
Fr-r L a m s changing Vakoufs from Idjare-i-Vahide to Idjaretein, 2± per cent, oa the j
For Iiams for the appointment of Muderris, Sheik, I m a m , Ehatib, Mouezzin, Devri-
Khar. and snch hke offices, from 2-5 to 2 0 0 piastres, discretionary with Cadi.
F*-*r Barns of appointment as Mutavelli, Zaviedar, Mezraadar, Malikhane and such like
appointments, a fee not exceeding 2 5 per cent, of the yeariy personal profit by tiie appoint–
For documents containing information respecting appointments, &c, a n office fee
(Kalemie) not exceeding 5 0 piastres.
For an extract or a copy of a n H a m , Hodjet, Vakfieh, or other document, half the
original fee.
For making an inventory of deceased persons' property, 2 i percent, on value of property
or m o n e y left, after deducting expenses of burial, debts a n d one-third of the estate, plus l-£
per 1,000 for registration.
• For an order appointing guardian of minors, then subsistence, certificates of majority,
& c , 10 to 3 0 piastres according to the case.--
For a n order for the loan of properties of orphans or of the Evcaf, 1 per cent, on the
a m o u n t : on renewing the order, £ per cent.
".-'. . *'.;
..* O n examination and revision of the accounts of estates of minors, every three years or
at longer intervals, if a surplus has accrued, 2 5 per thousand on the surplus after" deduc–
tion of all expenses. If the examination is m a d e after one year, one-third of the fee a n d
two-thirds if the examination is.made "after t w o years. If there is no surplus then a fee
is taken as follows':— . .*-.-'
If the capital does not e x c e e d — -
10.000 piastres - - - 10 piastres
80,000 piastres - - -
2 0 piastres
and 1 0 piastres for each 20,000 u p to 150,000 piastres.
Above 150,000 piastres - .- - 1 5 0 piastres
For inventories of properties of lost people, lunatics and old people" in dotage 1 per .
cent, ou the ralue of the same. .- -
Marriage license for spinsters, 1 0 piastres, for widows - -
--2J- - - "•- J-2 •- " 22. •-.;?: _•;.-.*.:*; *. -. 2- '*- -",;•>--*-**\-" "~ *
;>'-. On the issue of a summons to a party id an action or to a witness
,. - ^ .'~" . - 5 piastres..} ,V -.-•'
L a w of 16 Sefer
1276. Destour. V o L L
p. 301. Ies. 6tt„Vol
IL, p. 330.
'-. nXl •^™VV*-" I'
LiVr-of 12 "Mouhar•'*
o piastres. ^
rm-".-.-. ..-••
•- --•'•-
:•.•."- --•:.---* I.V o L I^page 364.7.-
, :
'" Art's of the Tapou
. U p o n registration of a " H a k i C a r a r " ( a tea years* occupation) of Arazi Mirieh <'instructions of 7
(State) and Arazi Mevkoufeh ( V a k o u f ) lands, 5 per cent, on the value of such /
' (a) Art. 6 of'the
Tapou Instructions of
8 Djemazi-ul-Akhir,
1275 (1S5S), Destonr
U p o u registration of the sale of Arazi Mirieh (a) and Arazi Mevkoufeh tb) land* -5 rw»r 4 T i
.}"*$' '
cent, on the sale price of such lands. -
- ° P *
**\* •*
n J
on Mevkoufeh titles
of 25 Bamazan, 12i*l
(1S64) Destonr Vol.
L, p. 245. '- ;
U p o n registration of the transfer of Arazi Mirieh by inheritance, 2-V per ceut on the 1
registered value of such property.
• Destour, Vol. III^ p. 15.-,, Sect. 57
LawXo.VII.of 18S5.