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Amount of Fees
the Year 139.-J-06
in Sterling Value.
Whether the
Principal be
allowed a House
for his personal
Residence; or
what Allowance,
if any.
for House F.:nt
rris-.h.-r -.:.»
ccheld by Z'r.n :•;••)•
in oon-a-ietion with any. ar.*l
what o:i T Civil, -Military, or Naval
Oi. >». or Appointment.
or Placo oi Profit, in any C O I J S V . or
on the Enabliihacct of thu
Tristd Kingdom.
IT the O£oe hi held by a Militry or
Naval 0£c*r, whether upon
-fall or H i U iiilitary or Naval Pav,
the Total A m o u n t of Pay and
Allowances ot
every lead actually received by
hi-i in adlitioc to tlic Frofit6 of hi>
Whether the Principal < Date of First
P'.-riod during
which the enjoy any, and what other i Appointment
OfSier has been
| Absent from
Advantage or Profit,
under the
; duty oa half-pay
! leave during the ' not required to be stated in' Island
j Year lS95-9u. j
j the preceding Columns. Government.
Receive an allowance for
forage calculated at the
rate paid locally per diem
for 3 okes of barley and
5 okes of straw; also 1 Os. a
year for repair of saddlery;
£ 1 4s. a year for shoeing;
and £1 a year for dete–
rioration of horse.
Allowance for forage
at rate paid locally to
troopers and. yearly,
10s. for saddlery,
£1 4s. for shoeing
and£l for deteriora–
tion of horse.
5th Septem–
ber, 187S
12th Febru–
arv, 18S3 (a)
! 19ch Oc:o-
; ber, 1882